At 6:17 AM 12/31/96, Richardson_D wrote:

>2nd item.  While ATT conducted a major down sizing this year, it has
>now hired enough people so that employment over the year is unchanged.
> This reminds me of the perennial story of the guy who was downsized
>out and then offered his old job back as a temp, i.e. without
>benefits.  My hazy memory recalls that he worked for ATT in Basking
>Ridge.  Does anyone have solid information on the down sizing-rehiring

The New York Times had a story a couple of weeks ago quoting the BLS as
saying something like a million people work under such arrangements. If I
remember right, it was based on the displaced worker survey, and said 17%
of the displaced were rehired by their old employer under some contingent

I'm amazed at how contingent work in general gets so much ink, but at least
in the U.S. doesn't seem all that pervasive - under 5% of employment, and
something like half of those are happy with their contingency. And the
ILO's latest annual report says there's no significan rise in contingent
work around the world, except in countries that recently legalized it. Is
officialdom lying to us, or are journalists (and Stanley Aronowiz)
following that old dictum: "simplify & exaggerate"?



Doug Henwood
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