The world is facing an unprecedented all-sided crisis. The
year 1996 did not resolve any existing problems, instead, even more
serious ones were added. The imperialist powers, especially U.S.
imperialism, continue to push for a world order under their own
dictate. They persist in arrogantly contending that they are the
real democrats and defenders of human rights, and use these
spurious assertions as pretexts to interfere in the internal
affairs of other countries and commit aggression against them. The
old colonial and imperialist powers are extremely active in
imposing a most brutal system on the peoples of the world.
     Within this international and national situation, imperialism,
especially U.S. imperialism, continues to be the main factor for
war. As inter-imperialist contradictions sharpen, there are also
increasing battles between imperialism and various countries that
want to pursue independence and peaceful development. The main
factor opposing war remains the revolution of the working class and
the broad masses of the people armed with their program for a
pro-social agenda, the re-ordering of international relations and
an end to all imperialist dictate.
     The inter-imperialist conflicts and the contradiction between
imperialism and the peoples of the world sharpened in 1996 and will
continue to do so in the new year. The world economic crisis has
worsened with almost one billion people either starving or on the
verge of starving. Yet, imperialist countries and those under their
influence insist on spending billions of dollars to produce and
market modern arms.
     The working class advanced its struggle against the
anti-social offensive in 1996, with its own pro-social program.
More and more workers, together with the broad masses of the people
are demanding the humanization of both the social and natural
environment. This struggle for a pro-social program will surely
develop in the new year, along with the fight against U.S.
imperialist dictate and against all imperialism. The people of Cuba
will continue to defend their revolution, as will the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea  continue to pursue its program of
independence, socialism and national reunification. The People's
Republic of China will surely persist in its policy of safeguarding
its independence, as will the people of Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Libya,
as well as a growing number of other peoples and countries.
     Communists take this opportunity to wish  success to all
peoples fighting for their rights in 1997. Let the year 1997 be a
year of great advance for the forces of revolution and socialism!

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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