By the way, in a neglected passage of the Summers/Pritchett memo, it says:

What's new? Throughout the outline I struggle with the evidence showing
what exactly the proclaimed revolution [in production] has revolutionized.
FDI has always existed and many of the world's largest firms have been
transnational from birth. The "globalization" of production has happened
sure, but has the telecommunications revolution really had a major impact?
I would guess the invention of relatively simple things, like steamship
transport, did more for world trade than digitalized data transmission
through fiber optic cables. How exactly has the nature of manufacturing
been "fundamentally altered"? Aren't people just incrementally better at
doing things they've always done, like locate production in the lowest cost
location for delivery to markets (now "globalization of production"), like
manage inventories in a least cost way (now "just-in-time inventory
management"), like choose the appropriate level of vertical integration
depending on the production process (now "critical buyer-seller links"),
like match production to demand (now "short product cycles"). Is a
"revolution" really the appropriate metaphor for these changes? I think the
detailed evidence from the US about the very small impact on productivity
from the large investment in information technology should convince us to
hold off on the breathless tone about technology.

They don't often talk like this in public.


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