>Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:
>> <snip>
>> If memory serves there was group in SF Bay area advocating "planned
>> congestion" and "market" (i.e. price) approach (increasing bridge tolls and
>> parking fees) to make cars less attractive for commuters - a very clever
>> way of using market ideology to fight the auto industry.
>> wojtek
>  There are two groups in the Bay Area pushing congestion pricing.  I don't
>think it is that clever.  the groups are the Environmental Defense Fund and
>the Union of Concerned Scientists  -- Berkeley office.  If we rely on
>congestion pricing, who is it that is going to drive?  And what do the rest
>do, without transit?
>Gene Coyle

The congestion pricing fees *are* there to fund mass transit (or anything
else you want). Maybe you would be happier if you thought of it as a
progressive tax on a polluting activity...

Brad DeLong

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