Shawgi writes!
>Some communist parties and organizations at this time are behaving
>as if the counter-revolution, the present period of retreat of
>revolution is actually a golden opportunity for them to make a
>headway. How can this be the case?

Turmoil in the Swedish CP! (Euro-Communist)

Something is going on in the former Swedish Communist Party.(Euro-Communist)

In my articles on the Swedish CP recently i said that they were making a 
turn to the right in changing their name and program to include feminism and 
the envionmental activists in the Greens in their future plans. But also to 
become the reformist Social democracy that the Social Democrats once were 
during the late 60ties and early 70ties. As the Social Democrats leap into 
the arms of the bougeois parties.

The CP party leadership (based in Stockholm) and the south of Sweden are 
trying not unlike the Mandelite USec to build a broad "left" current based 
on the politics of the new left and the traditionalists and back to the good 
old days of Social Democracy.

However a "left" opposition is developing up here in the north of Sweden. 
The north of Sweden has historically always been both the proletarian and 
red belt of both the Social democracy and the Swedish CP.

As the militant voices of protests from the workers up here in the north 
begin to grow louder and louder especially among the mine workers and 
building trades the pressure on the CP cadre up here in the north is growing.

It is partially anti Stockholm and anti-southern Sweden feelings that run 
through the workers movement up here. Partially because all of the base 
industries are in the north (mines, electricity, papper and forestry 
industries) and all of the profits and decisions are down South in the 
capitol of Stockholm. On the other hand it is the proletarian bastions of 
both the Social Democracy and the Swedish CP that are being hit the hardest 
by the cuts in just about everything. And the workers are starting to not 
only grumble, but are getting very very angry!

Thus the Northern districts of the Swedish CP have come out in and open 
fight about the right turn of the Swedish CP against the central party 
bodies in the south. It is also centered around how many places in the 
governing party bodies that the representatives from the north recieved at 
the recent Congress. In fact 1 position on the central apparatus. While at 
the same time they represent both the historical proletarian base and 
natural left wing of the party. And in fact have some of the largest 
sections of the party in the country!

Now they say that they are preparing a program in opposition to the right 
wing politics of the CP leadership in Stockholm who are completely 
capitulating to the Social Democracy in order to gain bougeois 
respectability and cover their pro Stalinist past. Naturally this coming 
from the Euro Communists CP means that they want to sound a little more to 
the left because they are feeling the pressure of the proletarian rage that 
is growing up here.

As to how this will develop we will have to wait and see. The same process 
is takling place in the Social democracy up here.

Naturally a Trotskyist party of anyworth would intervene in this new and 
developing situation in order to win the best cadre to a vanguard party and 
program for revolution. Perhaps the possibility of a short term entry could 
arise or cooperation on a program of struggle against the cuts and 
unemployment. In fact a tactical electoral alliance could be possible under 
the conditions of being very clear that any such electoral program is not 
nearly enough to solve the crisis but....

However at this point it is unclear as to how this all will evolve. 
Partially because their is no Trotskyist party in this country. We have two 
"trotskyist" groups of any size here. A Mandelite Usec group. And a militant 
group. Both are unfortunately completely incapable of seeing or doing 
anything other then perhaps building a rotten electoral block on a minumum 
program at best. Both of these groups have given up on the politics of 
Trotsky and the TP as being outdated. In fact they are just tailing the 
backwardness of the workers long dominated by Social Democratic and 
Stalinist politics.

Unless a Trotskyist cadre develops here who are prepared to fight around the 
politics of the LO and TP in the present turmoil on the left, a great 
opportunity if not the best since the Stalinists ursurped the October 
Revolution will be missed, thus
opening the door to a *real* revolutionary Trotskyist party here in Sweden 
or a whole new round of defeats for the workers movement.

Forward to a Trotskyist Party in Sweden.

Forward to the creation of Trotskyist Parties everywhere.

Towards a new and reforged Communist International.

Bob Malecki
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