January 26, 1997

Call for Proposals

The International Law Journal of California Western School of Law
is dedicating its Fall 1997 issue to a symposium dedicated to
discussing New Zealand's Employment Contracts Act, 1991. Persons
interested in participating in the symposium are invited to
submit a proposal outlining an article addressing the ECA. It is
the editors' intention that the subject be addressed from many
disciplinary views. Articles are therefore not only sought from
lawyers or academics.

In order to create a symposium which provides a thorough and
engaging discussion of the Employment Contracts Act, the
International Law Journal welcomes a variety of articles on the
legislation. Your submission can address any viewpoint or concern
relating to the effects, implications or consequences of the
statute. The law journal is also interested in analyses which
compare New Zealand's Employment Contracts Act with labor
statutes of other countries.

If you would like to contribute an article for publication, we
request that you reply to the International Law Journal by April
1, 1997. We also ask that you submit, along with that reply, a
300-500 word abstract on the topic of your article. The finished
papers should be 5-25 pages in length, and they must be completed
by August 1, 1997. In appropriate circumstances the Internatinal
Law Journal will consider articles which have been published
outside the United States.

Please contact any of the following individuals if you have any
questions regarding this symposium:

=FE Matthew Ritter, Executive Editor International Law Journal, or
  Kevin Travis, Lead Articles Editor International Law Journal

California Western School of Law
225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (619) 525-1481
Fax: (619) 231-6774

=FE Professor Ellen Dannin, Professor of Law, California Western
  School of Law

Tel: (619) 525-1449

We look forward to your response.

Very truly yours,

Matthew Ritter      Kevin Travis             Ellen J. Dannin
Executive Editor    Lead Articles Editor     Associate Professor
                                             of Law

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