Radical Statistics annual meeting

Saturday 22 February 1997

Coram's Fields, London WC1

Numbers into Policy

-- agenda for a new government


BY THE TIME of the 1997 AGM we will either have a 
new government, or be on the brink of one. What 
light can statistics shed on needs, and on 
policies to fulfil them?

Speakers (confirmed)

Paul Dunne             Arms industry
Alan Freeman:          National Income statistics
David Gordon:          Housing
RadStats Health Group: Whose priorities now?

* other topics planned include education

-- plus exciting RadStats business meeting: 
controversy guaranteed!


10.00    COFFEE

10.30    Session 1

11.15    Session 2

12.00    Business meeting

13.00    LUNCH

14.00    Session 3

14.45    Session 4

15.30    TEA

15.45    Session 5

16.30    CLOSE

18.00    Meal (at "Finnegan's Wake" -- formerly
         the "Sun" in Lamb's Conduit Street WC1)
         --from #5.00 upwards

Booking form - membership application form

* Special AGM offer *

* take out a new membership or revive a lapsed one 
with your AGM booking, at old rates.... *

AGM fee                 please tick as applicable
-------                 -------------------------
(# means pounds sterling)

Waged (#10)                               .......

Unwaged/low waged (self-defined) (#5)     .......

Annual subscription

Waged (#10)                               .......

Low-waged self-defined (#5)               .......

Unwaged (#3)                              .......

Institutional (#10)                        .......

(#10 -- sterling cheques only, please)    .......

         I enclose cheque for (total)  ..........

(you can pay subscriptions by standing order: 
see below)









Creche: please reply by 7 February 
if you need creche facilities

..............(number) at age.......

..............(number) at age.......

..............(number) at age.......

..............(number) at age.......


Post-AGM meal: please tick here if you plan to 
come to this (N.B. this is NOT a booking: merely 
an expression of interest so that we can indicate 
numbers to the pub)


To pay by standing order, please complete the 
following -- but send the form to Radical 
Statistics, NOT to your bank

Your bank........................................


                      Sort code..................

Bank's full address .............................






Please deduct from my account No.................

the sum of ...............


and on the same date each year, and credit the 
account of Radical Statistics, a/c 50504569, 
Co-operative Bank, 1 Islington High Street, 
London N1 9TR. Sort code 08-90-33. This cancels 
all previous standing orders to Radical Statistics.


Send to: Radical Statistics AGM
         10 Ruskin Avenue
         BD9 6EB
         United Kingdom


Please MAIL to address above, not to me
Julian Wells

The Business School
South Bank University
103 Borough Road
United Kingdom

Direct: +171-815 7736
Fax:    +171-815 7793

VERY IMPORTANT: I have e-mail addresses at a number of sites and institutions;

Please copy any reply to:


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