On Fri, 27 Dec 1996, Steele, Jen wrote:

> I'm curious what pen-l folks have to say about capital mobility restictions, 
> such as a return to a fixed exchange rate system, as a means for stabilizing 
> local economies.  Personally, I have a hard time inagining it.  Do you think 
> it's feasible? What other controls on capital mobility exist, here or in 
> other countries?  Any suggestions on short, current readings about this 
> issue? Maybe this thread can get us off the personal stuff and back onto 
> economic issues.


        I read (i believe in Schweickart's "Against Capital) that Thurow 
(as in Lester) is now for a "flexible peg" and that he now regrets the 
complete liberalization of exchange rates (a little late!) 

        Not much - but maybe helpful.

Ron Baiman
Roosevelt U.

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