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Date:          Wed, 4 Nov 1998 00:37:42 -0800
To:            (Recipient list suppressed)
From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED] (S.I.S.I.S.)
Subject:       United Church makes res-school apology

1. United Church makes res-school apology
2. Res-schools: Government, Church "knew"

[S.I.S.I.S. note:  The following mainstream news articles may contain
biased or distorted information and may be missing pertinent facts and/or
context. They are provided for reference only.]

The Vancouver Sun, October 28, 1998, by Douglas Todd

 The moderator of the United Church of Canada officially apologized Tuesday
for his denomination's complicity in the "pain and suffering" caused by
church-run residential schools for native Indians. Saying B.C. has become
the prime testing ground for mending the centuries-old rift between native
Indians and other Canadians, Bill Phipps said his denomination is "truly
and most humbly sorry" for those who were physically, sexually and
emotionally abused as students at United Church-run residential schools.

 The United Church statement is arguably the furthest-reaching apology any
group has issued on residential schools. Phipps said he doesn't know of any
Canadian denomination or government that has issued such a "bald" and
specific acknowledgment of blame for residential schools.

 The leader of Canada's largest Protestant denomination said it's important
to issue the apology at the same time the church is contesting a recent
precedent-setting B.C. Supreme Court decision that concluded the United
Church and the federal government are equally liable for compensating
victims of a Port Alberni residential school.

 The United Church of Canada faces almost 100 civil lawsuits relating to
how it ran some of Canada's 130 residential schools. Many of those lawsuits
have been aired in court this month by former students at the United
Church's Port Alberni residential school, where former dormitory supervisor
Arthur Plint has already been convicted of molesting dozens of native boys.

 "The B.C. lawsuits have made the residential school system the lightning
rod, or even a metaphor, for our over-all relation to the First Nations
people," Phipps said in a telephone interview.

 While many in the United Church are justifiably nervous that Tuesday's
apology will increase the financial liability of the 800,000-member United
Church to civil lawsuits, Phipps said, the vast majority of the
denomination's 70-member executive decided this week it was worth the risk.

 However, Willie Blackwater, one of the roughly 30 native victims of Plint
who is seeking damages, said the United Church should also accept legal
responsibility if it's serious about apologizing. "They should advise the
court that they are prepared to accept legal responsibility equally with
Canada for the assaults we all suffered while at the school, and that they
are now prepared to compensate us for those assaults," Blackwater said.

 But Phipps said the United Church wanted to issue the apology at this
point because questions of legal liability are "very complex... and subject
to argument and debate and legal niceties."

 Phipps said he was terribly saddened by the death last weekend of Darryl
Watts, one of the students of the Port Alberni school in the 1950s and '60s
who was suing the United Church and the government of Canada. If Watts'
drowning death is determined to be a suicide, as many suspect, he would be
the second suicide among sexual-abuse victims at the Port Alberni school.

 Natives across Canada have to date launched more than 1,400 civil lawsuits
aimed at Canadian churches and the federal government, which funded the
schools. The majority of the lawsuits are directed at the Oblate Brothers
and the Catholic church, which ran most of Canada's residential schools.
Former Prince George Bishop Hubert O'Connor and several other Catholic
clergy have been either convicted or charged with sex crimes while
operating B.C. residential schools in the 1960s. Catholic officials have
expressed worry that the lawsuits could bankrupt churches.

 On Tuesday, a $1.7-billion class-action lawsuit was launched against the
federal government and the Anglican Church of Canada by former students of
an Ontario residential school and their family members. Russell Raikes, the
London Ont., lawyer representing the natives, told reporters at a press
conference Tuesday it is the largest financial claim in regard to alleged
abuses at a residential school. About 360 natives are already on board, and
Raikes said he expects more than 1,000 former students from Mohawk
Institute Residential School in Brantford to take part in the suit. Shawn
Tupper of the federal department of indian affairs said it is the first
class-action lawsuit dealing with residential schools brought against the
federal government.

 Phipps' apology on Tuesday follows two much more general statements of
regret to native Indians that the United Church released in 1986 and 1997.
Explaining the necessity for three different apologies, Phipps said:
"Repentance is a long road and it's going to go on for generations."

Letters to the Vancouver Sun - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Canadian Press, August 27, 1998, by Hollie Shaw

 TORONTO (CP) - The United Church of Canada has apologized for its role in
running aboriginal residential schools, now notorious for the sexual and
physical torture inflicted upon native children staying there.

 The apology comes one week after new evidence showed church and federal
officials knew about the abuse as early as 1960, but did nothing about it.

 Church moderator Right Rev. Bill Phipps apology to aboriginals followed a
four-day meeting and a long session of soul-searching by the church's
general council executive. "On behalf of the United Church of Canada I
apologize for the pain and suffering that our church involvement in the
Indian Residential School system has caused," Phipps told a news

 "To those individuals who were physically, sexually and mentally abused as
students of the Indian Residential Schools in which The United Church of
Canada was involved, I offer you our most sincere apology. You did nothing
wrong. You were and are the victims of evil acts that cannot under any
circumstances be justified or excused."

 Phipps said church members must now begin the difficult task of rebuilding
their fractured relationships with natives.

 There were more than 80 native residential schools across Canada from the
early 1800s until the mid-1980s, run by churches under contract to the
federal government. They are now infamous for the ritual degradation and
molestation of the native children who lived in them.

 Vancouver lawyer Peter Grant represents former students of the Alberni
Indian residential school on Vancouver Island in a B.C. Supreme Court civil
suit against the church and government. Almost all of his clients were
sexually abused and beaten by Arthur Plint, who worked as a dormitory
supervisor at the school between 1948 and 1968. Plint, 80, pleaded guilty
in 1995 to dozens of sexual assaults on aboriginal boys. He was sentenced
to 11 years in prison.

 Last week in Nanaimo, B.C., Grant revealed documents in court which showed
the vice-principal of an Edmonton residential school admitted in 1960 to
indecently assaulting male students and was convicted of the crime.  Church
and government correspondence revealed efforts to keep the matter from
being publicized and showed officials had concerns about other sexual abuse
allegations at residential schools. The documents also showed that the
highest levels of the United Church and the Indian Affairs Department were
aware but did nothing to eliminate the risk of sexual abuse.

 "Moderator Phipps' apology must be considered in the context of the events
in Nanaimo last week," said Grant, calling the apology an important step
that shows the church is taking some responsibility.

 The next step is compensation.

 Willy Blackwater, a client of Grant's, said the United Church should be
"prepared to compensate us for those assaults" if its leaders are serious
about the apology.

 At the request of the church, the Nanaimo trial was adjourned last
Thursday until April of next year.

 The federal government apologized in January for the abuse as part of its
response to the 1996 Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Indian Affairs
Minister Jane Stewart also put up $350 million for a "healing fund" for
counselling within aboriginal communities.

 Meanwhile, former students of a native residential school in London, Ont.
announced Tuesday that they have filed a class action lawsuit against the
federal government and the Anglican Church of Canada.

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    S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
        P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2

        WWW: http://kafka.uvic.ca/~vipirg/SISIS/SISmain.html

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 James Craven             
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
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"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the meat from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling too difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

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