For the person who asked:  Her name is Teresa Ghilarducci and a couple of
years ago she took a position as Assistant Director of the AFL-CIO Employee
Benefits Department.  I don't know if she is still there or whether she went
back to Notre Dame.  She is an excellent resource on pensions, particularly
for unions and their members.

>A late response,
>As far as I know the resident Radical Economist expert on this subject 
>(at least for the U.S. - though I believe she's also looked at this in 
>other countries) is Theressa Carlducci (or something close to this - ) at 
>Notre Dame Univ., Economics Dept. 

"Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living."  Mother Jones

"Don't Mourn for me! Organize" Joe Hill's last words before his execution

Joan A. Hac, Labor Education Specialist
University of Kentucky
Center for Labor Education and Research
235 B&E Bldg
Lexington, KY  40506-0034

606-257 4822 (fax)

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