On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Max Sawicky wrote:

> I would put a much more benign construction on these
> two cases, namely that somewhere inside the Southern
> white working class, Bible-thumper or otherwise, is a
> constituency susceptible to left economic populism, and
> the emergence of such a tendency would radically transform
> U.S. (and world) politics. 

I don't disagree with this, in principle, I just see precious little
evidence of it.  A quick look back at history to the early part of
this century shows that Knights of Labor, IWW, and Socialists had
a meaningful presence in Southern / Western states.  Even
pseudo-populist Huey Long had better ideas that the most liberal
Democrat does these days.

> To appeal, however, such a
> populism would have to forswear a number of currently
> fashionable liberal and left hobby-horses.

Which ones?



Joseph Noonan

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