White House and congressional officials are getting flak from party 
colleagues for supporting the idea of an independent commission to 
revise the government's inflation index, slowing the momentum for the 
proposal ....Part of the difficulty is defining the panel, deciding on 
its members, mandate, and timetable.  Many rank-and-file politicians 
insist that no expert panel would have the credibility of the BLS 
technocrats who now compile the CPI, especially when the president and 
Congress are desperate for big savings to balance the budget while 
cutting taxes and finding new initiatives.  "Politicians of either 
party, in the end, won't sign off on anyone else doing it other than 
BLS," says Ohio Rep. John Boehner, head of the House Republican 
Conference ....(Wall Street Journal, page A2).

A Wall Street Journal editorial says the GOP should do the right thing 
on the CPI ....Which is to go ahead and make the inflation 

Two-thirds of the academic economists surveyed by The Wall Street 
Journal believe the right government policies can boost the American 
economic growth rate by a substantial one-half percentage point a 
year, a profoundly optimistic view.  But they have a harder time 
agreeing on what it is the government should do, though.  Given 10 
choices, most economists responding to the poll said none of them 
would have a "major positive impact on growth".  Asked to pick one 
anyway, 43 percent say more government spending on education and 
research and development would give the biggest bang for the buck 
....(Wall Street Journal, page A2).

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan told a House Banking 
subcommittee he has no opinion as to whether Congress should trim 
cost-of-living adjustments that affect federal benefit payments and 
tax brackets ....During an earlier-morning appearance before the 
National Association of Business Economists, Greenspan said the Fed 
would not be willing to publish its own price index.  The best price 
statisticians are housed at BLS, which constructs the CPI.  "We can't 
match the skills that they have," he said ....(Daily Labor Report, 
page A-9)_____Greenspan told the House subcommittee that he wasn't 
seeking to "Jawbone" the market downward because, in his view, that's 
not possible ....He said, if Congress wished to protect some groups 
from the impact of using a more accurate price measure, he would have 
no objection ....(Washington Post, page E4)_____Comments by Greenspan 
relieved a worried stock market, driving up prices ....(New York 
Times, page B1)_____Greenspan said the economy remains in the zone 
where inflation risks "are on the upside" and that he is poised to act 
"pre-emptively" by raising interest rates ....(Wall Street Journal, 
page A3).

Checking out at a supermarket isn't as costly as most people think. 
 Prices for the top 100 packaged-goods categories (excluding meats, 
fresh vegetables, and fruits) rose just 2 percent a year for the four 
years that ended in September, says a study of supermarket checkout 
prices that A.C. Nielsen Co. conducted for The Wall Street Journal 
....Yet shoppers persist in believing that they're getting ripped off 
-- and economists and marketing experts say the grocery industry may 
have only itself to blame.  With a proliferation of new products and 
sizes, double-discount coupons and store specials, it's no wonder 
consumes are confused about what's a good buy ....Also, shoppers are 
more sensitive to price increases.  Wages aren't rising as fast as 
they used to, and other consumer goods, such as apparel and 
television, have been coming down in price.  Prices at retail stores 
in general fell 1.1 percent over the past four years, says Economic 
Analysis Associates in Greenwich, Conn.  "Food looks high relative to 
other goods" ....But many large companies are trimming their product 
lines and planning to introduce fewer new products in the future. 
 That leads some marketing experts to predict manufacturers will have 
more power to eventually raise prices -- meaning expectations of 
higher inflation could come true after all ....(Wall Street Journal, 
page B1).

As part of its effort to keep its Internet home page up-to-date, the 
Labor Department is regularly changing the structure of the site. 
 Recent changes to the home page -- / -- include 
addition of two new "hot buttons," one for teen safety, the other for 
the Family and Medical Leave Act ....(Daily Labor Report, page A-10).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  The Employment Situation:  February 1997

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