The IRRA's 50th Anniversary Magazine

Perspectives on Work

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the Industrial Relations
Research Association is introducing a three-issue, thought-provoking
publication, Perspectives on Work.
Perspectives on Work will include short, incisive articles written
by the experts -- workers, students, labor leaders, human resource managers,
arbitrators, mediators, government officials, and academics -- who will draw
upon the rich history and traditions of the IRRA and the precedents set by
its accomplished membership in developing their own visions for the future
world of work.
With Perspectives on Work we celebrate the IRRA's rich history by
looking forward. We want members and potential members to learn about the
issues that concern the Association -- striving to make the workplace and
employment relationships work for all stakeholders.

How to Subscribe to Perspectives on Work
A subscription to Perspectives on Work includes the three
anniversary issues and costs $30 ($10 additional postage charged for
addresses outside the U.S.). Please send your name and address, as well as
a check for your subscription to the IRRA National Office: IRRA, UW-Madison,
4233 Social Science Bldg. 1180 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI

For more information on full membership as well as Perspectives on
Work, visit the IRRA homepage at or
contact the National Office at 608/262-2762.

Perspectives on Work is a joint project of the IRRA, the MIT Sloan
School's Industrial Relations Section and The Wharton School's Center for
Human Resources.

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