I must have missed something. Who spat on Foucault, called him rubbish?

Tavis, your post was excellent; ACT-UP is an admirable organization. I had
a long chat with one of their drug experts a few years ago - though no MD,
he really got to know his stuff. Stanley Aronowitz should be so
knowledgeable. But organizations on the ACT-UP model - like WAC and WHAM!
in NYC - have had a hard time sustaining themselves. Is that a limit of
nonhierarchical anti-instutionalizing micropolitics? AIDS is still with us,
but ACT-UP barely is.

>It is possible that the right stew of Marx, Gramsci and Chomsky could
>come up with a basis of understanding discourse that is firmly grounded
>in materialism.  But it hasn't happened yet, at least not in a way that
>incorporates the many innovative ideas about seizing language that Foucault

Boy, that's true, Tavis. I read about 300 pages of Meszaros on a Bonanza
Bus to and back from Great Barrington. At one point he says the pomos just
aren't worth talking about. He talks about the impossibility of total
surveillance without mentioning Foucault. This seems a limit of having no
micropolitics at all.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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