> Wage data compiled in the first 12 weeks of 1997 show a median
> first-year wage increase of 3 percent an hour.  In manufacturing
> agreements, the year-to-date median wage increase is 3 percent an
> hour, and, in nonmanufacturing settlements (excluding construction),
> the year-to-date median wage increase is also 3 percent ....(Daily
> Labor Report, page D-3).
> The 1990s saw black women enter higher-paying managerial and
> professional jobs in record numbers, but Hispanic women were still
> likely to hold low-paying service jobs, the Women's Bureau said in
> three separate fact sheets.  The bureau found that more black and
> Hispanic women are in the U.S. labor force than ever before, but that
> most women continue to earn less than their male counterparts ....Most
> of the statistics contained in the fact sheets are from BLS and the
> Census Bureau (Daily Labor Report, page A-9).
> __In the year 2050, more Americans will be old, retired, Asian, and
> Hispanic, a new Census Bureau report, "The State of the Nation, 1997,"
> says.  The bureau predicts a slow-growing population that will
> increase to 394 million by the middle of the next century.  The slow
> growth is due in large part to the progress of baby boomers out of
> their reproductive years and into retirement ....There are now some
> 265 million Americans, for whom the Census Bureau paints a rosy
> picture of declining poverty, relatively stable child care
> arrangements, higher levels of education, and an overall increase in
> real household income.  The number of people living in poverty dropped
> significantly between 1994 and 1995, from 38.1 million to 36.4
> million, the report said ....Thirty percent of American children were
> being cared for in organized day-care programs in 1993, the most
> recent year for which figures were available ....Some 41 million
> Americans lacked health insurance in 1995, a figure unchanged from the
> previous year .....(Washington Post, page A11).
> __For the first time in six years, there was an increase in real
> median household income.  From 1994 to 1995, it climbed by 2.7
> percent, to $34,076 from $33,178.  But the median earnings of
> individual women working full time year year round actually declined
> 1.5 percent after adjusting for inflation, from $22,834 in 1994 to
> $22,497 in 1995.  Men held roughly steady at $31,496.  And women still
> earn only 71 cents for every dollar that a man earns for the same work
> ....In 1995, 82 percent of adults over 25 years old had completed high
> school, and 23 percent had earned a bachelor's degree or more.  Both
> figures are record highs ....(New York Times, page A32).
> __Hispanics seen as the largest minority by 2005, and, by the middle
> of the next century, they will outnumber all other minority groups
> combined ....(Washington Times, page A6).
> The Commerce Department reports that new orders for manufactured
> durable goods advanced 1.5 percent in February, buoyed by increased
> bookings for electrical equipment and for industrial machinery and
> equipment ....(Daily Labor Report, page D-1)_____Orders for durables
> jump, a sign of stronger growth ....(New York Times, page D3; Wall
> Street Journal, page A2; Washington Times, page B7).
> Labor productivity in mining has soared in the 1980-95 period thanks
> to advances in technology and a period of relative labor harmony, Joel
> Darmstadtor, an economist with Resources for the Future, told a
> gathering in Washington, D.C. ....Although the United States extracted
> more coal in 1996 than in 1980, employment dropped from 246,000 to
> 100,000, according to data from BLS ....(Daily Labor Report, page
> A-7).

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