Microsoft and American Airlines also use prison labor....


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Henry C.K. Liu
> Sent: Monday, July 19, 1999 3:01 PM
> Subject: [PEN-L:9317] Re: Re: Re: socialism vs. union rights
> Jim Devine wrote:
> > >You are obviously a victim of the American press when it comes to
> > information on China.<
> >
> As evident by you dig aboutt prison factories.  There are prisons
> in China and
> they do work art some form of production, just like US prisoners
> make liscense
> plates or what not.  That doe not make them prison factories,
> except as defined
> by Freedom House.
> Harry Wu, (I assume you know who he is if you follow the prison labor
> controversy) is a US imperialist agent.
> > And as I've said before, state ownership is only a means to an
> end, not a
> > socialist goal in itself. Algeria, for example, has a lot of state
> > ownership (especially the oil industry), but most don't consider that
> > country to be "socialist" but rather to be "state capitalist."
> Nor is the
> > US Tennessee Valley Authority "socialist," no matter what the WSJ says.
> >
> As I said state owner is only about 20%.
> >
> > The role of local government- and collective- and cooperative-owned
> > resources depends on how democratic the local governments,
> collectives, and
> > cooperatives are and how they work together. If they are subordinated to
> > the market, that encourages economism, unemployment, and
> > environmentally-destructive results. If they are subordinated to the
> > bureaucratically-organized central plan, that encourages
> passivity, hidden
> > unemployment, and cynicism (along with environmental
> destruction when the
> > USSR's lead is followed). If they are subordinated to a
> > democratically-decided central plan ... since I don't think
> they are so, I
> > won't finish the sentence.
> >
> The collective in China are in fact run very democratically.  Of
> cource, you
> may know better.
> >
> > >In foreign trade and FDI (foreign direct investment) jt ventures, for
> > every $ of export, only 18 cents goes to China, the other 82
> cents goes to
> > foreign capital, service and middlemen out side of China.  On
> top of that
> > the mark up in retail prices is generally 80% for Chinese
> goods.  So when
> > you buy a Disney doll for $10, Disney gets $8, and foreign capital and
> > services get $1.64 and China gets 36 cents to pay for rent,
> labor and all
> > other production costs.  Now these labor abuses occurred in the
> jt. venture
> > companies for which most Chinese, bureaucrats or worker, have no love.<
> >
> > this is a sign of economic dependency. Are the prison factories joint
> > ventures, BTW?
> >
> > >We will be very happy if all this is banned from China.  This is the
> > struggle within China in the debate over the wisdom of china joining the
> > WTO. Much of this has been discussed on other lists...  Many so-called
> > labor activists are not particular interest in the welfare of
> the Chinese
> > workers in the jt ventures. They are trying to push for privatization of
> > the SOEs with American style unions, and they provide bogus labor abuse
> > data to the likes of the Voice of America and Freedom House and the
> > Heritage Foundation and to Congress for anti-China propaganda. <
> >
> > To whom are you referring? I am not familiar with this
> propaganda, except
> > that it seeps down through the L.A. TIMES and similar organs.
> >
> > >I would suggest that you keep an open mind until your
> information is more
> > reliable. ...<
> >
> > I would suggest that you keep an open mind about the need for democratic
> > rights, even in the poorest countries. We should not presume that those
> > with all the power know what's best for the people, even in the poor
> > countries.
> >
> > >If you follow Chinese politics, you will know that the revisionist
> > reformists are on the defensive and have been for sometime.<
> >
> > what are "revisionist reformists"? who decides who these people are?
> >
> > Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &
> >
> I am exhausted and have a lot of other things to do. We are not getting
> anywhere.  Let's just disagree.

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