Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:

>So what's wrong with the teenage rebellion is that it is about consumption
>rather than challenging capitalism.

It's about a lot of things. William Finnegan's piece in the New Yorker last
year about that godforsaken distant LA suburb - which is in a recently
published collection of his stuff, I think - showed a broad spectrum of
rebellion, from your basic sexdrugsrockandroll kind to a very politicized
kind, with the politicized kind ranging from Nazi to deeply egalitarian and
anti-racist. There are rockers, rappers, and zinesters all over the USA who
are about a lot more than mere consumption. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author of
the political memoir Red Dirt, talks about all kinds of rebels in rural
Oklahoma, kids who are the unacknowledged descendants of the Wobblies who
were big there before they were killed and exiled. One reason teen
rebellion takes an apolitical consumerish form is that we grownup have done
a terrible job with politics. There's a lot going on out there, outside the
realm of approved public discourse.


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