Title: WOBBLER Virus Hoax

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spacer WOBBLER Virus Hoax
VirusName: WOBBLER Virus Hoax
Aliases: none
Known Variants: Hoax
Infection Length: Hoax
Area of Infection: Hoax
Likelihood: Hoax
Region Reported: email
Keys: Hoax


This information is a hoax and should be ignored.

Sample of hoax message:

Dear All,

For your reference, take necessary precautions. If you receive an email with a file called California, do not open the file. The file contains WOBBLER virus.


This information was announced yesterday morning from IBM; AOL states that this is a very dangerous virus, much worse than "Melissa", and that there is NO remedy for it at this time. Some very sick individual has succeeded in using the reformat function from Norton Utilities causing it to completely erase all documents on the hard drive. It has been designed to work with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It destroys Macintosh and IBM compatible computers. This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it.

Please ignore any messages regarding this "hoax" and do not pass on any messages regarding it. Passing on messages about this hoax serves only to further propagate it.

Write-up by: Motoaki Yamamura
Updated: May 15, 1999

Use the index files to locate virus information by name:
A-Am Dn-Dz H-Hm Kn-Kz O-Om R-Rm U-Um X-Xm
An-Az E-Em Hn-Hz L-Lm On-Oz Rn-Rz Un-Uz Xn-Xz
B-Bm En-Ez I-Im Ln-Lz P-Pm S-Sm V-Vm Y-Ym
Bn-Bz F-Fm In-Iz M-Mm Pn-Pz Sn-Sz Vn-Vz Yn-Yz
C-Cm Fn-Fz J-Jm Mn-Mz Q-Qm T-Tm W-Wm Z-Zm
Cn-Cz G-Gm Jn-Jz N-Nm Qn-Qz Tn-Tz Wn-Wz Zn-Zz
D-Dm Gn-Gz K-Km Nn-Nz 0-9 and Special Characters

Cross-reference data provided by Project VGrep.
Implemented with permission of Virus Bulletin.


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