Sixty-nine percent of all industry categories measured by BLS report 
productivity gains in 1995, the agency announces ....The report covers 
about 40 percent -- in employment terms -- of the nonfarm business 
sector of the economy.  In 1995, productivity advanced  in 74 percent 
of the 111 separate manufacturing industries measured by BLS in this 
series.  The same number of industries had productivity gains in 1994 
....(Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

Wage costs in the first quarter of 1997 rose for nearly half of 
businesses surveyed, the National Association of Business Economists 
reports.  The survey, conducted in March and April of 123 NABE members 
about business conditions in their firms, found that 45 percent 
reported higher labor costs in the first quarter, compared with the 
fourth quarter of 1996.  This is the highest percentage saying labor 
costs rose since 1990.  Nearly half of respondents (47.3 percent) 
reported shortages in skilled labor, while 10.7 percent said they had 
a hard time finding unskilled workers.  This was close to levels 
reporting shortages in the last quarter of 1996.  In the 
goods-producting sector, an even larger proportion of companies (52 
percent) reported skilled labor shortages, and 19 percent complained 
about a lack of unskilled help ....The report found that, despite high 
industry demand, only about a quarter (24.4 percent) of respondents 
reported higher prices ....For those companies that did raise prices, 
only 30 percent were able to realize the full price increase ....The 
responses continue to reflect a very competitive business environment 
where price increases are difficult to realize ....(Daily Labor 
Report, page A-6).

Wage data compiled by BNA in the first 16 weeks of 1997 show that the 
median first-year wage increases for all industries equaled 3 percent 
an hour ....(Daily Labor Report, page D-7).

__As the federal government nears the completion of its race and 
ethnic review, the possible addition of a multi-racial option in the 
decennial census and other surveys has emerged as the most contentious 
issues, judging by views offered at an April 23 hearing before a House 
subcommittee.  Supporters of adding a multi-racial category argue that 
the increasingly diverse U.S. population demands more options than 
those currently offered in everything from education and health data 
collection to civil rights enforcement.  Opponents contend that adding 
a new category would impair enforcement and regulatory programs by 
leaving a gap in historical data used to monitor progress in a variety 
of areas ....(Daily Labor Report, page A-8).
__For the first time in 20 years, the federal government may change 
the way it measures race and ethnicity, standards critical in 
enforcing voting rights laws, studying disease patterns, and 
collecting school registration statistics.  A surge in immigration and 
a sharp increase in the number of interracial marriages in the past 
two decades have cast doubt on the existing standards' ability to 
reflect the nation's changing racial makeup.  But in testimony today 
before a House subcommittee, federal experts clashed over the wisdom 
of changing the existing measurements to include, for instance, a new 
category:  multiracial ....(New York Times, page A27).

The International Monetary Fund painted a sunny picture of global 
economic growth this year, but at the same time urged the U.S. to 
continue boosting interest rates to help prevent its economy from 
overheating.  World output will expand by 4.4 percent both this year 
and next, a solid jump from the 4 percent expansion registered last 
year and the highest since 1988, the IMF said in its semiannual World 
Economic Outlook ....(Wall Street Journal, page A2)_____Worldwide 
economic growth will accelerate again this year to its highest rate in 
nearly a decade, 4.4 percent, but most regions face risks that could 
cloud their prospects ....(New York Times, page D4)_____The IMF gave 
the world's economy an upbeat assessment, predicting that growth will 
continue and inflation will remain at its lowest level in 30 years 
....Globalization -- the integration of trade, finance, and 
information that is creating a single global market and culture -- is 
the main theme of the report ....(USA Today, page 1B).

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