On Wed, 2 Aug 1995, Michael Perelman wrote:

> The producers of Burn showed it to the Panthers to get their evaluation at
> the time.  Now I suppose that one should first check things out with the
> NRA or the bond market.

        Hnyuk, nyuk.

        (Am I reading this out of thread-order?  Were people actually 
discussing the film?)

        Actually, 'Burn!' is one of the few movies to actually EXCITE me
(no, not that way...). I watched it with my 'company-man/pro-capitalist'
brother, and it was gratifying to be able to actually SHOW him,
graphically, the process of early imperialism and class conflict in an
actual 'revolutionary' situation... He was QUITE impressed... *More*
capitalist-leaning workers should see Burn!... 

        I'm wondering:  Where can people rent such things on video? (I've
got a few addresses in the backs of some progressive rags, but it doesn't
hurt to ask). 


   Jim Jaszewski   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   WWW homepage:   <http://www.freenet.hamilton.on.ca/~ab975/Profile.html>


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