Didn't you know that Taiwan is the 51st state--pace Henry-- and so doesn't count?
   Cheers, Ken Hanly

Jonathan Lasse wrote:

> Lisa & Ian Murray wrote:
> > The biggest buyer of arms last year was Saudi Arabia, with $2.7 billion in
> > new sales. The United Arab Emirates ranked second at $2.5 billion. Malaysia
> > ranked third, with $2.1 billion.
> Gotta love that Congressional Reserach Service. Looks like they completely
> forgot to add up the figures for  sales to Taiwan (and other countries too,
> judging from the looks of it). The Stockholm International Peace Research
> Insitute estimates Taiwan purchased 4.65 billion US$ worth of arms (and that's
> in 1990 dollars, couldn't find a figure for contemporary moola), dwarfing Saudi
> Arabia, the UAE, and any other country you can think of.
> For more info, check out www.sipri.se
> Jonathan Lassen

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