I spotted the following inquiry on h-labor (an e-list for labor
historians). The project described below sounds very interesting. Can
anyone help him?   Yoshie

*****  Dear H-labor members,

I'm doing research on the "political identity" of socialists who
supported the war effort in America during WWI.  I find this minority
within a minority a fascinating subject.  Does anyone know of some
valuable sources that I could use for this research?  I have access here
at Ball State to the APPEAL TO REASON/NEW APPEAL during that time
period.  Also,  Indiana State University, which is near by, has on
microfilm a copy of the Socialist Party of America papers.  I'm
interlibrary loaning information on the American Alliance for Labor and
Democracy as well as Social Democratic League.

Joseph S. Townsend
Ball State University
"Joseph S. Townsend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  *****

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