The May 1997 issue of the AARP Bulletin contains a profile of 
Commissioner Abraham based on an interview -- "Custodian of the CPI: 
 Low-Profile Bureaucrat Stands Her Ground on Index."

An editorial in the Washington Post, "Ducking the Hard Ones," says 
that budget "negotiators had been prepared to propose a reduction so 
small as barely to be perceptible in the annual cost-of-living 
adjustments that keep inflation from eroding Social Security benefits 
or lifting people into higher income tax brackets.  Tiny though it 
was, it would have set -- or broken -- an important precedent and 
helped to spread the deficit-reduction burden in small amounts across 
the entire society ...."_____On the Post's op-ed page, James K. 
Glassman says, in "The Budget Deal: Kill It," that the CBO "windfall" 
meant that "Social Security cost-of-living adjustments would not have 
to be pared by 0.15 percentage points ...."

USA Today looks into the motivation for temporary work in its page 1B 
graph.  Factors that part-time and temporary workers say motivated 
them to seek their type of employment include: enhance career 
opportunities (76 percent); learn new skills (73 percent); work 
flexible hours (61 percent); transition to a new career (44 percent); 
and recent job loss (35 percent).  Source is Interim Services.

     Productivity and Costs:  First Quarter 1997 (Preliminary)

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