
I referred to Virtual U merely to point out that there are serious, well
funded efforts to apply computerization to damned near every field.

While I am not suggesting that the attempt to computerize higher
education will necessarily succeed, I think it would be a major error to
assume that it's merely a gimmick that will fold of its own weight.


> > 
> On Wed, 7 May 1997, D Shniad wrote:
> > Tavis, you obviously haven't heard about the Virtual U model that is
> > being promoted across North America and Europe.
> Sure I have.  I just don't read about every half-assed high-tech gimmick 
> and think, "This is the world of the future." Maybe when I do I'll drop 
> out of politics and become a Buddhist monk.
> Cheers,
> Tavis

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