Please sign the petition and forward this link. The intention is to send
this to the two, and also to the press demanding that they pay attention to the
voices for peace and rapproachement. Also please forward this link on all

To:  Prime Minister AB Vajpayee and President Pervez Musharraf

Despite extremely dire reports of potential nuclear war with casualties in
the tens of millions, it appears that the entire subcontinent is being led
towards a holocaust of immense proportions by the leadership of both India
and Pakistan.

Even a limited nuclear exchange will result in the destruction of tens of
millions of lives and most of northern India and Pakistan will become

Neither the people of Pakistan nor the people of India gave the right to
their leaders to destroy their lives, and their two nations. 5000 years of
history for this? We say NO!

Both you leaders have been pandering to extremists, as has been witnessed
in the BJP's role in Gujarat, and the ISI's role in Kashmir. Effectively, we
the people of India and Pakistan are being force marched like sheep to a
slaughter by the maniacal agendas of fanatical extremists.

We can no longer remain silent spectators to the actions and agendas of
the proponents of this brutal anti-people mentality.

We the people of India and Pakistan, as well as peace loving citizens of
the world, DEMAND that you immediately:

1) State unequivocally that this current march towards a holocaust of
horrific proportions MUST be stopped IMMEDIATELY.

2) March to the negotiating table with full sincerity. The baggage of
colonialism must not lead us into total destruction. The great freedom
fighters of our common land, gave their lives for a dream yet unfulfilled.
Must we do to ourselves something infinitely worse than what colonization
did to us?

3) Recognize the common humanity of ALL people of the subcontinent,
regardless of religion, caste or gender, and their RIGHT TO LIVE, and to
enjoy a life of peace and security.

4) Desist from bravado and war talk. The common people of India and
Pakistan can teach you, dear leaders, that greatness comes from self-control
and not from self destructive rage; the great Bhakti and Sufi saints taught
this as did the Buddha.

5) Acknowedge that your primary duty as leaders is to protect and embrace
the welfare of ALL your citizens regardless of whatever religion they

The People of India-Pakistan.

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