NY Times, March 28, 2004
Mayor With a Mission

Jason West, the mayor of the little Hudson Valley village of New Paltz
who married 25 gay couples last month before receiving a court
injunction to stop, has been thinking about gay marriage for a long
time. In fact, immediately after taking office last summer, the two
things the 27-year-old asked his new village attorney to check on were,
first, the state and local beaver trapping laws, since a dog had
recently been caught and killed in a beaver trap on the old Bienstock
property -- a huge New Paltz scandal that was soon labeled Beavergate;
and second, whether a mayor could perform gay marriages. The attorney,
Spencer McLaughlin, is a Republican legislator from Orange County and a
former deputy executive director of the New York City Human Rights
Commission under Ed Koch. That West would turn to a Republican for
advice was a surprise to the people who thought the mayor, who was
elected on the Green Party line, was a radical liberal activist about to
turn the town into a socialist enclave. In his reply to West, McLaughlin
noted that the law is unclear. ''That's because the laws were written
around the late 19th century, and no one ever conceived of wanting to do
this then,'' McLaughlin said recently. The attorney ended his memo to
mayor saying, ''That's a very long-winded explanation of why you can't
perform a same-sex marriage, but does not address the issue of whether
you should or not.''

Gay marriage was also one of the issues West supported during his two
ill-fated campaigns for State Assembly in 2000 and 2002 -- along with
free education to the Ph.D. level and an end to corporate pollution. His
campaign slogan was ''Forget the Lesser Evil -- Choose the Greater
Good,'' and as he likes to say, ''I lost by a landslide.'' And back when
he was in college in the late 90's at the State University of New York
at New Paltz, he was known as a guy who could always be counted on to
show up at the latest protest -- resisting the arrival of a new
Starbucks, for example. In 1998, a local activist and gay rights
organizer, Gale McGovern, asked West to help her plan a protest against
a visit to a New Paltz bookstore by Gov. George Pataki, who along with
state Republicans had criticized the women's studies department at the
university for a conference it had organized on women's sexuality. West
decided to serve as host of the event. ''He said to me recently that
that was when he first started to think about organizing,'' McGovern said.

West has been a house painter since he was 15 -- he paints alone, often
without even a radio -- and his workday uniform rarely changes:
paint-splattered pants, T-shirt and worn tan Carhartt jacket that is
functional as opposed to fashionable. He was an artist in high school,
though he has the slouchless demeanor of a former jock. He is tall, and
a cinch to spot on Main Street in New Paltz, a 6,000-person village --
of students and small-business owners, college professors and New York
City transplants -- 80 miles north of New York City along the Wallkill
River. It has been fertile ground for activism since the Vietnam era and
even as far back as the Civil War, when abolitionists ran the
underground railroad in the nearby hills. In town, West waves and is
glad-handed by restaurant owners and shopkeepers, who have gotten over
their initial fears that he might ban capitalism -- and he is now even
semi-memorialized: on the day in early March when he was ordered to
appear in court on charges of illegally marrying gay couples, the Gilded
Otter, the local brewery, was selling Get Out of Jail Ale.

It may seem that the gay-marriage issue popped up out of nowhere in New
Paltz, and that it is becoming more complicated with every news cycle.
The Ulster County district attorney, Donald A. Williams, who originally
charged West for marrying without licenses, most recently brought the
same charges against two Unitarian ministers for marrying couples in New
Paltz after West decided to stop doing so until the injunction against
him is lifted. But if you stop the mayor on the street and ask him if he
ever thought about gay marriage before he performed New York State's
first gay weddings, he gives you a look that is part incredulous, part
perturbed; asking Jason West if he has thought about gay marriage is
like asking him if he has thought about renewable energy sources or the
evils of global capitalism. ''This is what gets me,'' he said. ''I've
always been for gay marriage. I mean, it's just the right thing to do.''

full: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/03/28/magazine/28MAYOR.html


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