> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 22:59:05 +0800 (HKT)
> Dear Friends
> The draft on manpower bill was finally approved by the House of
> Representatives on September 11, 1997, despite wide protests from workers,
> legal experts, NGOs and others. The bill will be passed into law on October
> 1, 1998.=20
> Please respond to this call for International Solidarity from Indonesian
> Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) in Indonesia.
> There are pro=92s and con=92s. The All Indonesian Workers Union (FSPSI) is =
> one
> of those which is pro the bill, even though its members oppose.  The
> disagreement between the FSPSI Central Board and its members was revealed i=
> n
> the seminar on the bill organized by the FSPSI and ICFTU APRO on September
> 27, 1997 in Jakarta.  Meanwhile, most workers and NGOs have opposed the
> deliberation of the bill.=20
> There is no substantial change in the bill in case of protecting workers=92
> rights, instead it is anti-workers. If passed into law, Indonesian workers
> will face juridical hindrances in defending for their rights, especially th=
> e
> freedom of association, the rights to strike, negotiate CBAs and be served
> by a democratic labor dispute committee.=20
> No Guarantee on Job Security
> The bill does not guarantee job security. This refers to  Articles 16-19 on
> contract workers which do not specify the working period and type of work,
> saying that details will be set up in the Government Decree.  Under such
> article, the fate of Indonesian workers will much depend on the generosity
> of the government to extend their working period.  There is no guarantee fo=
> r
> a long term job.=20
> Illegal system of contract workers has widely been practiced in all sectors=
> =2E
> Companies prefer to apply such system to get cheaper and more easily
> dismissed workers without legal procedures, as well as to build self-contro=
> l
> among the workers.  Thus, there is no employer willing to extend the job
> contract of a worker with a =93bad efficiency report=94, such as demanding =
> for
> salary increase or being involved in trade union activities.=20
> So far, there has not been any legal sanction by the government for the
> illegal practices, but the next  government decree might be to legalize the
> practices.
> No Freedom to Organize
> The manpower bill do not fully address the freedom to organize. Even though
> the right to organize is mentioned in Article 27, but the next following
> articles just negate the meaning:=20
> Firstly, to reduce the function of a trade union to the extend only to
> negotiate a CBA and being a party in labor dispute cases (Article 32).
> The provision negates the workers universal right to be involved in the
> decision makings on economy, social, politics, laws and others which will
> direct or indirectly affect their lives. The provision also negates the
> workers public right as citizens.=20
> Secondly, to require any trade union to register to the government (Article
> 33).  This article is adopted from Ministerial Decree No. 03/1993 on the
> registration of a trade union, which is the revision of Ministerial Decree
> No. 01/1970.
> The article opens a way to the government to intervene in the establishment
> of  an independent trade union. Up to this time, the Serikat Buruh Merdeka
> (Free Trade Union) and Serikat Buruh Seluruh Indonesia (All Indonesia
> Prosperity Trade Union) have not been acknowledged by the government, for
> not addressing the government=92s desire. In conclusion, workers have no ri=
> ght
> to organize.
>       =20
> The government=92s interest in this case is to protect FSPSI as the only
> acknowledged trade union in the country. Under such condition, it is
> understandable that the FSPSI, as the government=92s instrument to control
> workers, supports the bill even if it is only as a pro forma.
> The article is quite contradictory, considering that the Manpower Ministry
> does not have the right to acknowledge a trade union. Under the laws, the
> legality of an organization is not determined by the government, but the
> agreement between the establishing parties before registering to the court
> as merely an administrative requirement.=20
> Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
> The right to negotiate a CBA is limited, due to the following reasons:=20
> Firstly, the CBA negotiation is limited only at the plant level (Article 48
> (1)), not in the industrial sector.
> This provision not only creates a social gab among workers, but also limits
> trade union=92s power to the plant level.=20
> Secondly, the contents of the CBA should not contradict the existing laws
> (Article 51 (2)).=20
> This article may have different interpretation, which is CBA negotiation
> only on normative rights that would reduce the CBA significance. Normative
> rights (legal rights/legal minimum standard), such as legal  minimum wage,
> are the employer=92s obligations without the need to negotiate.
> Thirdly, CBA should be made based on mutual agreement, without pressures
> (Article 48 (2)).=20
> This means that workers are not allowed to strike when the management does
> not fulfill their demands or refuses their CBA reformation.  Politically,
> the article is meant to cut down the workers=92 bargaining power.
> Strike
> Even thought the right to strike is acknowledged in Article 74, but in
> practice it is almost impossible to implement due to:=20
> Firstly,  strike can only be done due to normative rights (legal rigths), i=
> n
> the context of law enforcement. Strikes are not allowed during CBA
> negotiation (Article 48 (2) on CBA).=20
> Secondly, Article 76 says that strike is allowed only within the factory
> compound. This means; (a) Preventing workers to organize solidarity strikes=
> ,
> (b) Localizing and reducing the function of a trade union only at the plant
> level, =A9 Preventing mass strikes, demonstrations or workers rallies out o=
> f
> the government=92s control.
> This article may be to suppress the possibility of mass strikes and labor
> demonstrations that have been increasing in the recent years. It should be
> realized that the high number of labor strikes and demonstrations is in fac=
> t
> caused by the non-functioning of the official industrial institutions in
> defending and channeling the interests of workers, who consequently find
> alternative ways.  As long as there is no solution on the substantial
> problem, such restrictions would not work. =20
> Thirdly, Article 79 says that a strike should not disturb public security
> and order, nor should it threaten any lives or damage the properties of the
> company or community. =20
> Under this article, which has multi interpretations, a strike may easily be
> considered as a criminal act. =20
> This is quite an illogical article, since any strike would normally cause
> public and capital disorders that would pressure the company to fulfill the
> workers=92 demands.  Under such article, demand for a better working condit=
> ion
> may be considered as a criminal case. =20
> Labor Dispute Resolution
> Labor dispute resolution should be based on mutual agreement (Article 56).
> In case of deadlock, the case may be solved either through court or
> arbitration and mediation (Article 57).
> The articles are so confusing, since do not clarify the type of dispute and
> the labor dispute resolution committee to deal with. In fact, labor dispute=
> s
> should be categorized into right and interest disputes.       =20
> Right disputes, such as violations on workers rights, as mentioned by laws,
> and on CBA should be solved through court for law enforcement. Interest
> disputes, such as conflicts during the CBA negotiation or plan for
> dismissal, should be dealt outside the court.=20
> Problems arose as the consequence of the articles:=20
> =20
> (a)=09piling up of cases, which means longer procedures that will in turn
> weaken the workers=92 =09stamina and economy;
> (b)=09over authority of arbitrator, mediator and industrial dispute resolut=
> ion
> committee;
> (c)=09complicated law enforcement;
> The government set up regulations and procedures on the appointment of
> arbitrators (Article 65) and mediators (Article 70). Under these articles:
> (a) =09The arbitration and mediation bodies, such as the Regional Committee=
>  on
> Labor Dispute =09Resolution (P4D) and the Central Committee on Labor Disput=
> e
> Resolution (P4P), depend =09on the government that prevent them from
> effectively defend for the workers interests. =09Consequently, workers do n=
> ot
> trust the bodies.
>  =20
> (b)  =09There are only arbitration and mediation bodies formed by the
> government.  In other words, =09it is impossible to form other such bodies
> either permanently or incidentally. In this case, the =09current bodies are
> more appropriately called the government administrative institution.=20
> The Government Control System
> In conclusion, the bill does not provide any protection on the workers basi=
> c
> rights.  Workers can only form or become members of the trade unions
> acknowledged by the government. It is almost impossible for them to form or
> become members of an independent trade union without the government's
> intervention. Under the new bill, trade unions function only  at the plant
> level, in CBA negotiations and is considered as an industrial relations
> disputing party.   =20
> In the national tripartite body, the unions will only be considered as a
> legitimating body for the government's policies. Currently, there are many
> of Manpower Ministry policies, recommended by the national tripartite body,
> such as on dismissals and minimum wage that disadvantage workers.=20
> The right to strike is limited, allowed only in the factory compound and is
> merely to show a law upholding by the management. Under the new bill, there
> will be many striking workers put into jail under criminal charges or
> dismissed.=20
> =20
> The right to negotiate a CBA is also limited, allowed only at the plant
> level to the extend of normative rights.=20
> Workers will easily lose their job in the future not only due to easier
> dismissal procedures, but also the government control on the labor dispute
> committees.=20
> Under such condition the function of the manpower bill is not to strengthen
> the workers' bargaining power against the management, which is the key to
> solve the current labor problems besides the high rate of unemployment.=20
> Instead of building a democratic industrial relations system as the key for
> the development of national industrial, the manpower bill is used to
> maintain cheap labor policy and politically obedient workers in anticipatin=
> g
> free trade by:=20
>  Firstly, systematizing the government control on workers through: (a)
> establishing corporative trade unions under the government control, (b)
> preventing strikes, =A9 reducing negotiations, (d) handling of labor confli=
> cts
> by government administrative bodies.
> Secondly, putting efforts in improving workers' welfare only to the extend
> of their minimum wage as regulated by laws.=20
> Thirdly, using law enforcement approach in industrial relations control by
> putting strict sanctions on labor law violators.  But the new approach will
> not apply effectively under the current phenomenon of corruption and
> collusion.  The fact that labor strikes have been an effective way to force
> the management to comply with the workers' normative rights should be admit=
> ted.=20
> Action Taking
> Considering the bad impacts of the bill will have on workers, we call on al=
> l
> parties to put pressures on the government to cancel the deliberation of th=
> e
> bill and to have it discussed again in the House of Representatives in 1997
> 2002 period. With the current labor laws which some kind of relatively
> protecting the workers basic rights, The postponement of the bill would not
> mean the absence of laws, looking into the fact the current labor laws are
> still relatively relevant to protecting workers.   =20
> Send your letter of PROTEST to:=20
> President Suharto
> Jl. Veteran 17
> Jakarta - INDONESIA
> Fax (62-21) 3452685
> Please send a copy  of your letter to Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation
> (YLBHI) by email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or Fax (62-21) 330140  Adress Jl.
> Diponegoro 74 Jakarta 10320 Indonesia

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