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Bill Undermines Head Start Program 

Action Needed:

Please use the toll-free number and talking points below to call your House
member this week and urge him/her to oppose a harmful bill, H.R. 2210. This
Head Start reauthorization act transfers control of Head Start programs
nationwide to the states. Proposed by Rep. Michael Castle (R-Del.) late in
May, the bill would launch a downward spiral in funding and quality for one
of the nation's most successful programs for low-income pre-schoolers.
Please call 1-888-583-2809 and urge your representative to vote against
H.R. 2210. 

H.R. 2210 (deceptively named "The School Readiness Act of 2003") would
limit Head Start's ability to provide high quality child development
programs to low-income children by allowing states to determine standards.
Because states are in such financial difficulty, it is likely that many
will cut services, lay off teachers and raise eligibility standards. The
federal requirement that comprehensive services be provided to all Head
Start children is an important underpinning in the program's celebrated
success. Without this stimulating and nurturing experience, many Head Start
children would simply not be ready to learn when they begin grade school.
Numerous studies have shown that if a child is not succeeding by the third
grade, she/he will continue to fall behind. 

Funding under H.R. 2210 is miserably inadequate. The bill does not expand
funding to cover the increasing cost of living, to implement advancement of
teacher credentialing plans and wages, or to provide services to the many
more children and families in need of assistance through Head Start, Early
Head Start, and the Indian, Migrant, and Seasonal Head Start programs.
Importantly, the bill would do away with Head Start's current provision
against employment discrimination on the basis of religion. 


Congress is poised and ready to pass H.R. 2210, Head Start Reauthorization.
Head Start is currently a federally-run grant program that, at the local
level, provides low-income preschool children and their families with early
childhood education and comprehensive services, including health,
nutrition, parental involvement, social and other services, and it
prohibits discrimination in hiring and providing services. 

On May 22, Rep. Michael Castle (R-Del.), chair of the Subcommittee on
Education Reform of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce,
proposed H.R. 2210―another effort on the part of right-wing Republicans to
continue shredding the social safety net for low income families. On June
12, the subcommittee passed an alternate version of the bill with
additional amendments. On June 19, the committee passed the final bill
(27-20) in a mostly party-line vote.  

Head Start is a unique and effective program that supports low-income
children and families and has been in operation since 1965. Since its
inception, Head Start has helped over 20 million children succeed in school
and, consequently, beyond. Under Bush's proposal, H.R. 2210 would dismantle
the comprehensive and effective approach employed by Head Start and change
the program's scope to only focus, narrowly, on education. Responsibility
for the program would transfer from the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services to the U.S. Department of Education. This shift in accountability
expresses a profound contradiction to the very basis of Head Start―to
provide health, nutrition, and social services that ensure a child is ready
and able to learn. 

The original Head Start allows federal grants to bypass the state and go
directly to the local level to be implemented. Similarly, Head Start has
federal performance standards. H.R. 2210 will allow control of funding to
go through the state level, thus permitting the state to determine its own
standards, in addition to allowing states to eliminate comprehensive
services like health, nutrition, and social services. Unfortunately, Head
Start funding will offer states fiscal relief from their already tightly
stretched budgets. There is no guarantee that states will allocate Head
Start funding to appropriate programs.  

Additionally, H.R. 2210 will exchange standardized testing for federal
quality standards. In essence, this reflects Bush's sheer unwillingness to
support effective and long-term strategies that help families raise
themselves out of poverty. Many educators believe that this type of testing
is based on a false assumption that children from low-income families can
and should perform as well as those from higher incomes. 

House Republican leaders will likely attempt to push through H.R. 2210 as
soon as possible. Please call your representative now. To reach your member
and urge opposition to H.R. 2210, call (888) 583-2809 this week between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m. This toll-free number is operational during the entire week
of July 7 or until the vote has taken place. 

Talking Points for Your Phone Message: 

*  Please do not support any legislation that dismantles the Head Start
structure. Head Start is a unique and effective program that provides
necessary support to low-income children and their families. Please vote
against H.R. 2210.  

*  Head Start is a program has proven itself successful time and time
again. H.R. 2210 would allow states to undermine the quality and reach of a
valuable program that has bettered the lives of over 20 million children
since its creation. 

*  Please ensure that Head Start will continue to provide comprehensive
services such as health, nutrition, and social services and that federal
funds are used to maintain high standards. I strongly urge you to vote
against H.R. 2210 and look forward to hearing from you on this issue. 

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