>    The Irish Times, Wednesday, December 31, 1997
>                            Search for black gold
>                            disturbs ancient gods
>      _________________________________________________________________
>    Michael McCaughan reports on the struggle of the Colombian U'wa people
>        to preserve their ancient way of life from the encroachment of
>                                'civilisation'
>      Oil and guns are the first signs of life in the countryside around
>    Saravena in north-east Colombia, where a small airforce plane dropped
>            a dozen passengers in the middle of a large army base.
>    Just beyond the airport a row of oil drums and sandbags provide cover
>       for dozens of soldiers crouched in combat position, awaiting the
>                guerrilleros who strike from the hills beyond.
>    Saravena is at the heart of Colombia's spectacular oil boom, which has
>      transformed the country from a crude importer to a selfsufficient
>      exporter, with annual revenues worth $3 billion. Reserves are low,
>             however, and pressure is on to exploit new deposits.
>    Roberto Cobaria, president of the U'wa Council of tribal authorities,
>      was waiting inside U'wa reservation land, a further two-hour trek
>       across unpaved roads and rising rivers to the home of Colombia's
>    original inhabitants. The U'wa people have wandered the cloud forests
>      of the Colombian Andes for centuries, shifting home three times a
>    year, rotating subsistence crops between snowcapped peaks, lush jungle
>                       forest and scorched, arid lands.
>     Cobaria's people are standing on top of a billion-dollar fortune in
>     oil, but they couldn't care less. The black gold could bring health
>     clinics, VCRs and washing machines, catapulting the small U'wa tribe
>                             into the modern age.
>      Until recent times U'wa children were tied up and taken from their
>     families by Catholic nuns based in a nearby mission, where they were
>         beaten if they spoke their native language. As a result the
>      "civilised" U'was now live in Chuskal at the foot of the mountain,
>     estranged from their relatives above who reject all contact with the
>    hated blancos, wishing only to live by themselves in peace. Each year
>    the U'wa traditional authorities, called werjaya, sing the world into
>     existence, fasting for weeks on end as they seek guidance from gods
>       above and below the land. Los Angeles-based oil giant Occidental
>    Petroleum and Shell are pulling out all the stops to begin exploration
>      work in U'wa territory, where an estimated two billion barrels of
>                      crude are waiting to be extracted.
>        The U'wa conflict has been played out countless times in Latin
>    America, as Indian tribes from Oaxaca to the Amazon cave in to foreign
>      investors and local politicians who promise prosperity ahead. The
>       results have been catastrophic, as entire communities disappear,
>    swallowed up by the influx of nonIndian labourers, alcoholism and the
>              end of traditional hunting and fishing lifestyles.
>        In Colombia the situation is aggravated by the presence of two
>        guerrilla armies, who have found in the oil conflict an ideal
>      battleground for their war on transnational gringo capital. In the
>      past decade, pipeline sabotage has spilled 1.5 million barrels of
>    crude oil into nearby forests and rivers, compared with 36,000 barrels
>      spilled by Exxon Valdez. The U'wa have paralysed OXY's latest oil
>        project without firing a single bullet and have declared their
>    intention to commit suicide should the drilling go ahead. "The oil is
>     working right where it is now, it is alive and cannot be extracted.
>     There is no possible compensation for this," Cobaria told the Irish
>     Times. The suicide threat dates back to the arrival of the Spanish,
>       when an entire U'wa community threw themselves off the "cliff of
>                   glory" rather than bow to the invaders.
>      "We do not want to engage in a project that means conflict," said
>    Robert Stewart, OXY's Corporate Affairs chief, interviewed inside the
>      company's bunker-like Bogota fortress. OXY has suspended drilling
>      until the issue is resolved. Colombia's revised 1991 constitution
>     contains some of the most progressive legislation concerning Indian
>    rights, upholding the principle of Indian land as "non-negotiable, not
>        for sale and ineligible for seizure under any circumstances".
>    Colombia's congress has done its best to roll back the promise of that
>     constitution and government officials make no bones about the final
>      outcome. "You can't compare the interests of 38 million Colombians
>    with the worries of an indigenous community," said Rodrigo Villamizar,
>     Colombia's former energy minister, replaced earlier this month. "The
>     resources belong to all Colombians and the government has the final
>                              say on the issue."
>                   The tension has already taken its toll.
>     Five U'wa werjayas have died in the past two years, compared to just
>    one in the previous decade. Last July five hooded men dragged Cobaria
>     from his bed in Chuskal and pressed a piece of paper into his hands,
>    ordering him to sign. "Kill me now, I cannot sign anything away for my
>     tribe," shouted Cobaria, who cannot read or write. The unidentified
>                assailants flung him into a ditch and ran off.
>     Colombia's National Indigenous Organisation (ONIC) has a nationwide
>      emergency protest plan ready should the U'wa conflict reach crisis
>     point, while OXY is waiting it out, confident that the drilling will
>    go ahead. "We're under contract with the government. We couldn't leave
>    if we wanted," says Mr Stewart, distancing OXY from any direct role in
>                                 the process.
>    In an effort to break the impasse, Colombian authorities commissioned
>     a joint report by Harvard and Organisation of American States (OEA)
>    experts. The Harvard-OEA team recommended a speedy demarcation of U'wa
>      territory, allowing OXY to begin work now within clear limits and
>        discuss exploration inside U'wa land "in the distant future".
>    In Chuskal women stir pots of corn mash and put their children to bed.
>       Ana Maria, aged 12, shifts restlessly, irritated by measles. Her
>    father died of tuberculosis, while her mother had 15 children, of whom
>                        nine survived beyond infancy.
>    "The U'wa oil would keep the US in gas for three months," says Abadio
>     Green, president of ONIC. "Is it worth it for the extinction of the
>                                U'wa people?"
>                       © Copyright: The Irish Times
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