Nearly Half of Black Men Found Jobless

February 28, 2004

It is well known that the unemployment rate in New York
City rose sharply during the recent recession. It is also
understood that the increase was worse for men than for
women, and especially bad for black men. But a new study
examining trends in joblessness in the city since 2000
suggests that by 2003, nearly one of every two black men
between 16 and 64 was not working.

The study, by the Community Service Society, a nonprofit
group that serves the poor, is based on data from the
federal Bureau of Labor Statistics and focuses on the
so-called employment-population ratio - the fraction of the
working-age population with a paid job - in addition to the
more familiar unemployment rate, the percentage of the
labor force actively looking for work.

Mark Levitan, the report's author, found that just 51.8
percent of black men ages 16 to 64 held jobs in New York
City in 2003. The rate for white men was 75.7 percent; for
Hispanic men, 65.7; and for black women, 57.1. The
employment-population ratio for black men was the lowest
for the period Mr. Levitan has studied, which goes back to

"We're left with a very big question,'' Mr. Levitan, a
senior policy analyst with the society, said in an
interview. "As the economy recovers, will we see a rise in
employment among black men in tandem with the rise in
employment of city residents generally? In other words, is
this fundamentally a cyclical problem or is it more deeply
structural? I fear that it is more deeply structural."

Researchers who have studied joblessness said Mr. Levitan's
findings were consistent with trends among disadvantaged
men, both black and white, in other Northern and Midwestern
cities where manufacturing jobs have disappeared in recent
decades. Some said factors that might have made the problem
worse since 2000 could include welfare reform, high rates
of incarceration producing gaps in job histories, and
competition with immigrants for low-skill jobs.

Lawrence M. Mead, a professor of political science at New
York University who specializes in social policy and
welfare reform, said that labor force participation -
job-holding and job-seeking - among disadvantaged men had
been declining nationwide and that New York City had long
had "a lower work level" than elsewhere. Others said a
similar racial gap in male employment had been seen in
Midwestern and Central states.

"You're really talking about a long-term problem among
low-skilled, disadvantaged men,'' Professor Mead said.
"Blacks are disproportionately disadvantaged. You're seeing
this tendency to drop out. It's very serious and nobody has
an answer.''

Mindy Tarlow, executive director of the Center for
Employment Opportunities, an employment program for men and
women with criminal records that is based in Lower
Manhattan, said her agency's success rate in placing
clients in unsubsidized jobs had dropped to 55 percent from
65 percent between 2000 and 2003. She attributed the change
not only to the recession but also to women coming off
welfare and looking for work.

"I do know there are more people in the low-skill job
market competing for the same low-skill jobs,'' she said.
"In some ways, the low-skill job market has become more
competitive. Welfare reform came into law in 1996, but I
think the impact was starting to be felt around 2000, maybe

David R. Howell, a labor economist and professor at New
School University, said service jobs were particularly hard
for black men to get. He said studies had shown that
employers "are particularly uninterested in hiring black
men for jobs that require customer or client contact, for
whatever reason.'' They tend to give preference to women,
he said.

Mr. Levitan used data from the Current Population Survey, a
monthly survey done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on a
nationwide basis. He averaged the 12 monthly figures for
New York City for each year. He said he used the
employment-population ratio because the unemployment rate,
which counts only people who are actively looking for a
job, did not capture those too discouraged to keep trying.

In a recession, the number of discouraged workers goes up,
Mr. Levitan said. If job losses land disproportionately on
one group of people, a disproportionate share of that group
may give up looking for work. In that case, changes in the
unemployment rate for that group will tend to understate
the relative impact of the recession on that group, he

Mr. Levitan found that the unemployment rate for black men
in New York City rose by 5.3 percentage points, to 12.9
percent, in 2003. The employment-population ratio dropped
by 12.2 percentage points, to 51.8, from a cycle peak of 64
in 2000. The employment-population ratio for Hispanic men
dropped by 7.1 percentage points; the ratio for white men
dropped by 2.1. The margin of error was 4 percent.

The declines among black and Hispanic women were smaller
than among black and Hispanic men. Mr. Levitan said the
industries that had the biggest drop in employment -
manufacturing, finance and professional services - were
dominated by men. And the one sector that grew
significantly during the recession - education and health
services, which now accounts for 18.7 percent of all jobs -
is overwhelmingly female.

"It definitely reflects that black men disproportionately
have had to carry the burden of the unemployment situation
in New York City,'' Lizzette Hill Barcelona, executive
director of Strive New York, a work force development
agency, said of Mr. Levitan's findings. "Black men are
usually the least skilled. In a tough economy, those are
the jobs that you can do away with.''

Andrew A. Beveridge, a sociologist at Queens College,
questioned whether the data from the Current Population
Survey, which is done nationally, could reliably be used to
track changes in joblessness among specific groups in New
York City from one year to the next. He said it was
conceivable a year-to-year change might be the result of
changes in the sample of people surveyed.

Mr. Levitan said the Bureau of Labor Statistics had used a
methodology similar to his, using its 12 monthly surveys to
create annual averages for states, metropolitan areas and
cities. He said the sample size in New York City was big
enough to be reliable. And he said the data from 1979 to
2003 followed a pattern consistent with the business cycle,
suggesting that they accurately reflected reality.

Professor Howell, who had seen the study, said: "The
magnitude of the employment-rate collapse is so large for
black males that it looks like a data problem. But I don't
think it is. Because you see not as startling a drop, but
still a very large drop, for Hispanic males as well. It's
well known that black men are at the end of the hiring
queue. So it's perfectly plausible that they took the
biggest hit.''

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