[James Buchanan meets Myron Scholes]

Paris, Friday, November 10, 2000
Two New Options On Bush and Gore

Agence France-Presse

ZURICH - A Swiss bank is offering financial derivatives called the ''George
Bush'' and the ''Al Gore'' options, made up of baskets of U.S. company
shares that could profit if their namesake wins the presidential elections.
Vontobel, Switzerland's fifth-largest bank, advertised the offers in Swiss
newspapers Thursday.

The Gore product is made up of shares in the pharmaceuticals maker Merck &
Co., mortgage loan specialists Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the tech-school
operator Devry Inc., and United Technologies Corp.

The Bush product includes the tobacco giant Philip Morris Cos., the
pharmaceuticals company Pfizer Inc., Microsoft Corp., General Dynamics
Corp., Lockheed Martin Corp. and International Paper Co.

The options are to be quoted on the Swiss stock exchange at $122.

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