1. China, State capitalism, market socialism . . .? It may be politically
reassuring to find a down home label to capture the nature of China's
political economy, and some argue that it is theoretically essential, but
will the labels help us to grasp the nature of the contradictions in the
present conjuncture, to understand why the Chinese economy has been the
world's most dynamic over the last decade, or to understand where China is
headed? Will it help us to better grasp the power or helplessness of
workers or farmers in a situation that has brought growing insecurity, but
also higher levels of autonomy; that breaks down statist structures in ways
that could -- but thus far has not -- opened the way to new forms of
cooperation?  The questions can be multiplied.   Given our present
knowledge, I'd have to answer no.  

Focusing on TVEs as Paul Bowles and others seems to me one promising
approach toward better comprehending the contemporary dynamic and its
emerging features and possibilities.  Better at present to make sense of
the mix of state, village, private capital, and foreign capital in the
ownership and control of these enterprises, including a sense of the
dominant forms that Tavis Barr has asked about.  Even though, as far as I
know, there are no studies that would allow the regressions she inquires
about.  Rather, research is at the stage of looking closely at individual
examples of the phenonomenon and attempting to gain perspective on the
dominant forms, with little help in the way of basic statistical control
over the types and forms.  If such approaches leave us as blind men
grasping at the elephant, the situation is not noticeably worse than it was
in the late Mao years when the assumed identity of institutions and general
conditions that ran through some of the literature simply masked our
general ignorance of the situation on the ground.

2.  Foreign trade.  I'm interested in Lynn Turgeon's discussion of the
continuing Maoist legacy with its preferance for balanced trade with each
partner and how this so well suits the neo-mercanitism of advanced
capitalist countries.  That concept of balanced trade was, for example,
explicitly written into the longterm Chinese-Japanese trade agreements in
the 1980s and 90s (but perhaps not into US-China agreements?).  At the same
time, China has frequently had both substantial trade deficits and
surpluses with particular countries at given times, and has not hesitated
to use trade politically to secure specific ends, including buying sprees
that were not balanced by sales.  In mentioning a projected $9 billion
import surplus for 1994, LT seems to be suggesting something systemic or
chronic, but it is not clear what is meant.  CND 4.15.94 for example notes
that China for the first time in four years had a trade deficit (US$12.8
bil) in 1993.  Nick Lardy's customs data on China trade from 1980-91 (CQ 
131, p. 694) show substantial trade surpluses for 1989-91 following
deficits in the preceding four years.  How do the data relate then to the
non-mercantilist preferences and what can this tell us about the ways in
which China neatly fits into the strategies of advanced capitalist
countries, or anyone else?

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