====> In view of yesterday's Windows 98 decision this review of 
      technical and proprietary software issues, by official France's 
      head geek, offers useful perspective.  It originally appeared in 
      the January '98 issue of Le Monde Diplomatique.
                             Free software for all
  The Internet and the World Wide Web emerged (in 1969 and 1989 respectively)
  as extensions of a publicly available research network (both military and
  civilian). Their success is explained largely by a generosity on the part of
  the people who created them, and a spirit of sharing. These technologies,
  freely accessible at the outset, have been partially taken over by a handful
  of large companies. But this process of merger and concentration has not
  curbed the creativity and generosity of radical programmers. Often developed
  as a sideline to their "real work", a whole galaxy of software has been
  created. This form of production sets itself deliberately outside the logic
  of the market place. Paradoxically, it is the only force really threatening
  the domination of Microsoft, because a clever use of copyright laws has put
  it irreversibly in the public domain.
     By virtue of their immaterial nature, computer programmes operate
     counter to normal commercial logic. Leaving aside development and
     conception costs, the marginal costs of their production and
     distribution are virtually nil. And the development of the Internet
     has meant that this is even more the case. Major software
     publishing houses are suddenly faced with the competitive challenge
     of micro-firms emerging at the global level (such as the "start-up"
     firms in Silicon Valley), and of programmers offering their
     creations free to consumers. The companies are attempting to
     preserve their revenues and their monopoly grip on the market (1)
     by establishing controls over the duplication and standards of
     digital material.
     This was the area dealt with by the Berne conference of December
     1996, which attempted to create a framework of legislation covering
     intellectual property rights (2). This area has also generated
     intense technological activity geared to inventing procedures for
     marking and tracking electronic commodities, and mechanisms capable
     of preventing the reproduction of things which are, in their
     essence, reproducible. The energy that was previously devoted to
     creating those commodities is now being put into finding ways of
     preventing their duplication. This is detrimental to the efficient
     use of information technology (3) and is threatening the durability
     of its contents.
     Of course, some would argue that this artificial re- establishment
     of scarcity - which one might see as a deliberate and calculated
     destruction of resources - is justified by companies' need for
     revenue in order to develop new technology, create new products and
     improve existing products, as well as by the costs of job creation.
     But such arguments should be set alongside the fabulous profits of
     the firms in question: in 1997 Microsoft made a profit of $3.5
     billion on a turnover of $11.4 billion, and directly employed only
     22,300 workers. Furthermore, the extraordinary growth of the
     communications and information technology sectors have been driven
     by the Internet and the Web, which owe nothing, or very little, to
     the market economy (4).
     For the software industry, the mechanisms of open competition are
     ambiguous. We have a situation in which commercial industrial
     software is distributed in forms that are directly usable by a
     computer (executable code), but without any of the information
     (source code and documentation) which would permit the user to
     modify it, adapt it to other machines and uses, make it more
     reliable, or correct the ever-present programming errors.
     Furthermore, users' licences expressly forbid any such
     modifications. This deprives client companies and organisations of
     control over the maintenance of their software, its time-durability
     and the possibility of adapting it to their individual needs. These
     are often crucial factors in the business world, particularly at
     the strategic level, when companies are integrating this software
     into their products or services.
     The world scale of the market for software, the specific properties
     of immaterial commodities, and especially the legal or
     technological control of "standards" (particularly as regards the
     functional interfaces of software and the ways in which information
     is represented) are leading ineluctably to a concentration of
     monopoly power. Not only are client companies put into a state of
     dependency, but they also no longer have alternatives.
     Since the suppliers have few competitors, they are even less
     motivated to satisfy their clients' specific needs. It is possible
     for a whole sector of technology to fall under the control of a
     single firm (or a small number of firms). Users in the fields of
     education and research are particularly concerned at this
     single-sourcing of available technology, and the resulting control
     of the flows of information which are so vital to researchers.
     The ecology of ideas and technologies obeys the same laws as that
     of living beings. Single evolutionary solutions present a number of
     dangers. To have a small number of producing companies
     correspondingly diminishes the quantity, and especially the
     variety, of research and, therefore, also diminishes technological
     progress. The competitive element of technological evolution, which
     is essential in order to avoid technological dead ends, is either
     weakened or disappears. The absence of diversity makes the fabric
     of technology more vulnerable to attack, with the threat of
     computer viruses being only one danger among many.
     A recurrent theme of liberal thinking is that there is no
     alternative to the market economy. In the case of software, nothing
     could be further from the truth. Another path is already being
     traced. One can understand the big firms being nervous about recent
     developments, but it is hard to explain the almost total media
     black-out, since this is an economic phenomenon which is as massive
     as it is new.
     This search for a different way of doing things was undertaken in
     the early 1980s by Richard Stallman, at that time a researcher at
     the Massachusetts Institute of Techology (MIT), and was
     subsequently embodied in the creation of the Free Software
     Foundation (5) and a number of associated companies. The initial
     intention was to create free software ("freeware") which, like
     ideas, would be available to all, in line with the philosophy of
     Pasteur, Jefferson et al. In order to avoid people laying economic
     claim to this free software, Stallman turned the notion of
     copyright on its head by popularising a new kind of licence, known
     as the "general public licence", which protects a given piece of
     software from technical or legal attempts to restrict its
     utilisation, diffusion and modification (6).
     In tandem with the spread of such licences, there has been a
     sizeable and varied production of free software. The necessary
     specifications and background information have been made available,
     so that people can adapt or improve the software as they see fit,
     and redistribute it, with or without payment, and without any
     control over this redistribution by third parties. True to the
     tenets of economic liberalism, this free competition has had an
     extremely positive effect on the quantity and quality of the
     software being produced. But the influence of the money economy is
     much reduced.
     The most visible product of this freeware culture is an operating
     system - the software necessary to the functioning of every
     computer, providing a basic set of operative functions (file
     handling, posting, text capture, connection to networks etc.) -
     known as Linux. This was developed initially in 1991 on the basis
     of work done by a Finnish student, Linus Torvalds. Since then it
     has grown, benefiting from cutting-edge contributions from a
     supportive army of experts worldwide, linked via the Internet. The
     development of Linux has been self-organising, like a huge
     enterprise without walls, without shareholders, without wages,
     without advertising and without revenue. To date the number of
     Linux installations is estimated at between five and six million,
     with increasing evidence of applications in industry, too. The
     system's market share compares favourably with Apple's, but its
     growth rate is higher.
     Various studies have shown that this software is in all respects
     competitive with commercial products. This is also confirmed by the
     extent of its penetration and infiltration in economic activity.
     The most significant example is undoubtedly the Internet, which
     would disappear entirely if this software were eliminated (7).
     Technological and economic dependence on supplier companies is
     eliminated, or at least greatly diminished. The durability of the
     products, their evolution and adaptability, as well as the help
     available to users, are better guaranteed by the presence, activity
     and stability of a large mass of users and programmers than by the
     unforeseeable strategies of the big software publishing houses. The
     free availability of all the elements involved in the product's
     development makes it possible to buy in any guarantees and
     complementary services that may be required.
    The contradictions of liberal economics
     In technological terms, freeware is a credible and tested solution.
     Furthermore, it encourages new areas of economic activity, and thus
     creates jobs. It does this by developing a range of services, by
     encouraging the development of complementary or competitive
     commercial products, and above all by fertilising technology-based
     businesses by providing resources that are free, independent,
     tested and of high quality (8). The development of freeware tends
     to replace a commercial publishing activity (which was centralised
     and monopolistic, and the protection of which stifled economic and
     technological development in the short term, creating relatively
     few jobs) with a commercially-based servicing sector, which creates
     more jobs (often decentralised), and which is more competitive.
     Furthermore, given its greater technological fluidity, it
     encourages the creation of new companies. In the South, the
     availability of cost-free and freely available resources opens the
     way for independence in the furtherance of technological
     The development of software is similar in nature to the development
     of mathematical theory (9). As we know, science in general and
     mathematics in particular sit very uncomfortably with the secrecy
     and barriers which are the daily bread of commercial industrial
     development. Good specifications (definitions) and reliable
     products (explanations, demonstrations) are created only slowly,
     and this happens through an open social process involving
     evaluation, comparison and collaboration. It is not at all
     surprising that Linux, although the younger product, is a better
     system than Windows NT, the leading software product of the biggest
     software publishing house on earth. At this point, it would be fair
     to ask whether the classic industrial environment is the most
     appropriate for developing the technologies of the immaterial
     Consumer goods (films, music, novels) and production goods
     (software, scientific articles etc.) have very different economic
     and social roles. It is absurd to subject them to identical
     legislation and protective mechanisms. Economic liberalism is
     caught in a contradiction. It justifies weakening the sovereignty
     of individual states and the elimination of all kinds of barriers,
     including those designed to protect individuals, by the need for
     much greater economic fluidity. But, at the same time, it operates
     - via the abuse of copyrights and patents, non-respect of
     industrial standards, proprietary control of interfaces, industrial
     secrecy and the creation of monopolies - to create barriers that
     are extremely harmful to economic and technological progress and to
     the creation of useful jobs.
     * Research director at the Institut national de la recherche en
     informatique et en automatique (INRIA).
     (1) See Ralph Nader and James Love, "Microsoft, monopole du
     prochain siècle?", (available in English, "What to do about
     Microsoft?"), Le Monde diplomatique, November 1997.
     (2) Pamela Samuelson, "On authors' rights in Cyberspace", First
     Monday, Copenhagen, vol. 1, no. 4, October 1996.
     http://www.firstmonday.dk. See also Philipe Quéau, "Offensive
     insidieuse contre le droit du public à l'information", (available
     in English, "Covert campaign against freedom of information"), Le
     Monde diplomatique, February 1997.
     (3) Richard Stallman, "Copywrong", Wired, San Francisco,
     July-August 1993. http://www.wired.com/wired/1.3/
     (4) Hervé Le Crosnier, "L'économie de l'information dans le
     contexte des nouvelles technologies", Study Day on "Public domain
     information in the light of the Internet and digital technology",
     Paris, 18 June 1997. http://www.info.unicaen.fr/Herve/pub97/juin/
     (5) http://www.gnu.org/fsf/
     (6) FSF: GNU General Public Licence (GPL).
     (7) Keith W. Porterfield, "Information Wants to be Valuable",
     NetAction Notes, no. 26, 3 September 1997, San Francisco,
     California. http://www.netaction.org/articles/freesoft.html
     (8) Freeware is used in a number of applications where reliability
     is a critical factor: the control of experiments launched aboard
     the space shuttle (NASA), industrial robotics (Lectra-Systèmes,
     France), operational control of passenger lifts (Fujitec, Japan),
     command systems in the US military, fuel distribution
     (Schlumberger, USA), etc. The magazine Linux Journal, published
     from Seattle, Washington, gives an account of these industrial
     applications. http://www.linuxjournal.com
     (9) William A. Howard, "The formulae-as-types notion of
     construction", in "To Haskell Brooks Curry, Essays on Combinatory
     Logic, Lamda Calculus and Formalism", Jonathan Paul Seldin and
     James Roger Hindley, Academic Press, 1980.
                                                  Translated by Ed Emery

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