Today's news here is about a fatal crash - on the ground at a
metropolitan airport, mind - of two light planes at 6.30 in the evening.
 After a recent decision, the control tower is no longer manned from
6.00pm on account of typically low traffic after dinner.

And a dirty great tanker has just run into the Great Barrier Reef.  The
pilot was on the bridge so may be in serious trouble.  Hardly fair, I
suggest, as it transpires he was enduring the 50th (I shit thee not)
hour of his shift at the time!

And I still feel for that poor control tower chappie - by himself in the
middle of Europe, tasked with the little job of keeping jet liners full
of people from running into each other.

Does anyone keep a list of, er, unfortunate incidents on the criterian
of 'efficiencies' like this?  It'd be a bastard of a big job, and
getting bigger exponentially, but surely The Lord's Work?


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