Empires of Profit: Commerce, Conquest and Corporate Responsibility by Daniel Litvin 340pp, Texere

Christopher Hope's review gives quite a lot of detail about this book on multinationals "at work and at war". Litvin was an insider working for Rio Tinto.


Hope concedes that Litvin accepts that new multinationals cannot really be "nice" . He ends:

There is something fundamentally scary about large corporations practising moral virtue - it requires a degree of adjustment that would make an accountant blush. Happily no amount of CSR [Corporate Social Responsibility] can spoil a good story and Empires of Profit is just that: hair-raising accounts of greed, megalomania, conspiracy, coups and armed robbery played out by godlike forces. Best take a look, because the new giants are not going away. You may not care about your friendly local multinational, but as Trotsky said about foreign policy, it cares about you.

Chris Burford


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