Anders Schneiderman sent me the following.



Our new SEIU campaign, Justice at Work, has just launched an experiment
on SEIU's blog (  If you could
spread the word about it to folks you think would be interested, that'd
be great.  In the meantime, you might want to check out Andy's "I'm at a
Wal-Mart Store in China" pictures that are already on our blog.


Dear Friend,

On Monday, SEIU kicks off the first phase in a new campaign, called
Justice at Work, to mobilize the power of the web to stop what
commentators have called the "Wal-Martization" of the American
economy. We're starting this campaign with a cross-blog discussion,
asking people to share their ideas about our strategy.

* What's the Scoop? * 

In this experimental dialogue, we will raise questions, ask for
feedback, and solicit creative ideas on SEIU's "Fight for the Future"
blog (,  and ask that other blogs
help spread the word.  The schedule for the conversations is:

Part One: Define the Problem and our Proposed Solutions
Part Two: SEIU and the Community, Online and Offline
Part Three: Shaping the Public Debate
Part Four: The Road Ahead

In each of these weeks, President Stern will frame the questions and
ask you to engage in a broad dialogue about tackling this issue.

* We Need Your Help to Make This Happen! * 

Please share your ideas with us on our blog! Lurkers, don't be shy!
Also, if you run a blog or listserv that takes comments, start a
discussion there.

If you are involved in a conversation on another blog or listserv,
please send an email flagging the highlights to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  We will
post the best of the discussions from other blogs and ours and discuss
their role in shaping our plans.

Help us use blogs to start the movement that will improve the lives of
working Americans and their families by fighting for a fair economy that
provides equal opportunity for everyone.

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