Contrarian Chronicles
The housing bubble doesn't add up 


 Just like stock prices, real estate prices will not go up forever. We can't all live in million-dollar houses. Thatâs what scares me and should scare you.

By Bill Fleckenstein

It might be hard for folks to step back and see a speculative housing environment for what it is -- especially when the frenzy has furnished a lifestyle beyond their means. But we all can't live forever in dream homes financed by dangerous debt levels. The "math" suggests that this tenuous fantasy ultimately will fail.

Last week, I had a chance to read "
The Asset Economy," the most recent article by Morgan Stanleyâs Stephen Roach. He is probably the lone economist working on Wall Street who understands what has been going on during Greenspan's tenure. Kudos to him for standing up tall and telling it like it is amidst the ocean of dead fish surrounding him.

His latest article really put the current speculative environment into perspective. Oftentimes, it's just that, perspective, which is needed. I urge everyone to read the article and think about its ramifications.

Insanity reigns in real estate

Roachâs main point is this: Beginning with the big equity bubble, folks started using their assets to live beyond their means. First, it was stock-option wampum and other gains that resulted from the insanity. Now folks use their houses as ATMs. Then, he adds:

Stepping back from the data flow, it is important to appreciate the consequences of the asset economy. A more chilling picture emerges. Courtesy of the Great Bubble of the late 1990s, the American consumer discovered the sheer ecstasy of converting asset holdings into spending power. Households learned to spend beyond their means -- as those means are defined by growth in disposable personal income. Yet when the equity bubble popped, the consumer never skipped a beat. There was a seamless transition to another asset class -- property. And the joys of asset-driven consumption continued unabated.

Income-based consumption had, in effect, become passÃ, and American households went on an unprecedented debt binge. No one seemed to care that the personal saving rate had fallen from 5.7% in the pre-bubble days of early 1995 to 1.0% in late 2001 (and now stands at just 2.3%). In the asset economy, who needs to save out of his or her paychecks? Who needs to worry about debt? Asset markets, goes the argument, had emerged as a new and presumably permanent source of saving for the American consumer. . . .

I must confess to being just as suspicious of this new paradigm as I was of another such scheme back in the late 1990s. As the bursting of the equity bubble should forever remind us, there is no guarantee of permanence to asset values and the wealth effects they spawn.

We canât all live in $1-million houses

One point Steve Roach doesn't make is that the math for housing simply doesn't work. Not everybody in this country can live in a $1 million house or some higher-priced mansion. The income necessary to support the debt service just isn't there.

Housing got a boost in the stock mania because people rolled their gains into real estate. That was on shaky ground, as we dealt with the aftermath of the stock bubble. But then we got on "firmer" ground in the last 15 months or so, via all the government stimulus and low interest rates that sparked a speculative frenzy in housing, which continues to this day.

Money coming into the hot housing market is pushing up prices. This not only allows people to live beyond their means but also creates the capital gains to advance to the next bigger house -- or multiple houses. Of course, the total collapse in lending standards has abetted this process, since folks can take out 100% loans (or more, in some cases). It's as though every lender feels that every borrower is a triple-A credit and can't possibly borrow too much.

When the math does not work

We have seen drunken lending orgies in the past, and they always end in disaster. Just as the math hasn't worked for everyone to live in a super-expensive house, no matter their income, the math doesn't work in lending, either. That's two pieces of the housing market where the math  just does not work.

In the short run, saying that the math doesn't work doesn't matter. But in the long run, the math does matter. Let me give you an example: Back in 1980, when gold was $600 an ounce and interest rates were 12%, I remember thinking, how could anyone buy gold at that price instead of a Treasury bond? The math made no sense. In fact, for gold to keep up with the compound rate of return available from a Treasury (assuming the reinvestment rate was also 12%), the price of gold from 1980 to 2010 would have had to rise to almost $18,000 an ounce. That seemed impossible to me.

Often, we see situations where it's clear that things cannot conceivably work out. What I like to say is that it's completely and totally knowable that certain events are preordained. However, what's usually not knowable is the timing, which only can be ascertained as it is actually occurring. Thus, all we can do as investors is wait and see (and then pounce) if what we expect to occur actually does.

Bubblenomics: A window into 'home' economics

Also, you can be very close to the end of some phenomenon that's completely and totally knowable, and you can look completely stupid as things get even wilder. Hereâs another example: In October 1999, I gave what I think is probably the best speech that I will ever make in my life, âSpinning Financial Illusions: The Story of Bubblenomics.â (If you believe that the housing bubble will never end, I encourage you to read the speech and think about what it was like at that time -- when it seemed the stock mania would never end.)

My observations in 1999 about what was happening and what would ultimately happen were fairly accurate. That said, the Nasdaq (
) doubled in the five months after my speech, making me look like a complete and total idiot, when, in fact, I was essentially dead right. This happens all the time. Markets tend to make you look the silliest just before they're about to change.

My point in bringing this up is to lend some perspective to the lunacy in housing and the continued denial/semi-lunacy we see in equities. The Fed and the government have attempted to bail out the aftermath of our giant stock bubble with a leveraged real-estate bubble. This will end in disaster, guaranteed -- no ifs, ands, or buts about it -- though, to repeat, what we cannot know is the timing.

Paying the piper for Fed 'prosperity' 

Meanwhile, the longer the insanity persists, the greater the frustration on the part of people who've acted prudently and tried to prepare themselves. I suspect that's what makes them angry or causes some folks just to whine. But thatâs the nature of markets. It's not easy to get rich or even make money in the markets, and folks shouldn't expect it to be easy. After all, if it were, everyone would be rich, which is another mathematical absurdity.

Back during the stock mania, I received a legitimate complaint from one sane fellow: The problem with being a "level head" (his description of folks who didn't believe in the mania), as opposed to being a "bubble head", is that when the aftermath of the stock mania played out, even level heads would have to suffer.

That was true then, and it will be true prospectively. It's one of my complaints about the irresponsible actions of the Fed. Everybody will be made to suffer, thanks to the incompetence and sheer arrogance of the Fed. That is one of the reasons why I have such contempt for Greenspan and the rest of the central planners at the Fed.

Bill Fleckenstein is president of Fleckenstein Capital, which manages a hedge fund based in Seattle. He also writes a daily Market Rap column on his site. His investment positions can change at any time. Under no circumstances does the information in this column represent a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security. At the time of publication, he did not own or control any of the equities mentioned in this column. The views and opinions expressed in Bill Fleckenstein's columns are his own and not necessarily those of CNBC on MSN Money.


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