Sent:   Thursday, February 05, 1998 9:11 PM
Subject:        RE: Talkin' 'bout _speech_, period!-3   

Quoth Max, hanging beetlebrowed over the congregation:
> My whimsy always has a purpose, however crack-brained.
> In this case, you seemed to discount the sentiments of
> "evangelical yawpers," which struck me as inconsistent
> with your call for the Idaho coming together of the left
> and right wings of U.S. populism.

Not at all.  The preachers have currency only because right-wing 
populism is all crunch and no theory.  If the New Testament is really 
the Old Manifesto, it needs a top drawer editor to make that evident.
At best it can now produce Buchanan archly alluding to Goldman Sachs
but not Merrill Lynch.  That's his answer, and it took Germany 45 years
to dig out from the consequences of such an answer.
What's more, I don't think it's possible to devise a viable 
post-capitalist system without right-wing input, anyway.
(That's Zen, not Bernstein.)


MBS:  There you go again, conflating 'right-wing' and
implicitly 'evangelical' with 'right-wing.'  I'm not the person
who is going to relate religiosity to progressivism, but by
historical observation and intuition I contend that is a
requirement for the Idaho march (figuratively speaking).

Also, if you don't mind, please elaborate on your final
sentence, or zentence.


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