Element of Surprise Cited As Bush Romps to Victory

[by Andy Borowitz]

Inspired by the early handover of sovereignty in Iraq, President George W. Bush 
employed the element of surprise once more last night, holding the U.S. presidential 
election four months early.

The election, about which only top Bush administration officials were notified, went 
exceedingly well for the president, who carried all fifty states and garnered 
approximately one hundred percent of the vote.

Mr. Bushâs victory speech, which he had originally scheduled for eleven P.M. last 
night, was at the last minute rescheduled to nine P.M., once again capitalizing on the 
element of surprise.

In his speech, Mr. Bush admitted that he might have had a more difficult time getting 
reelected if the American people had actually been notified about the time and date of 
the voting, but added, âA winâs a win, right?â

Mr. Bushâs second inauguration is slated to take place on January 20, 2005, but 
administration officials acknowledged that it could happen âat any time.â

âFor all I know it has already happened,â one aide said.

While the stealth presidential election seems to have cemented the Bush 
administrationâs reputation for secrecy, one aide said that some secrets were harder 
to keep than others: âFor example, everyone knows how Paul Wolfowitz gets his hair 
to look so great.â

White House officials praised the performance of the controversial new Diebold 
electronic voting machines, which successfully tabulated final results from Florida 
before a single vote was cast.


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