----- Original Message -----
From: "tempe1917" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 9:21 PM
Subject: New roadblocks in Argentina [Yahoo! Clubs: Support the Salta

> Wednesday August 1, 2:04 AM
> (AFP)
> Workers block roads protesting Argentine economic measures
> Protesters gathered to set up roadblocks as Argentine trade unions and
social groups sought to protest the tough economic measures voted into law
by the Senate.
> Around 1,000 people took part in the protest on Route Three at La Matanza,
a working class district on the outskirts of the capital, as roadblocks were
also set up in Buenos Aires' La Boca historic district.
> Highway authorities said traffic flow was down 70 percent of normal
> Hundreds of the jobless took to the roads to protest in Mar del Plata, 300
kilometers (186 miles) south of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, 500 kilometers (310
miles) north, and Tucuman, 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) northwest of the
capital, without hindering traffic moving on alternate routes.
> The Argentine government has repeatedly said that the roadblocks are
illegal and that it would take out injunctions to stop them. Internal
Security Secretary Enrique Mathov said Tuesday that the government would
guarantee "the right to drive."
> Meanwhile, Labor Minister Patricia Bullrich said leaders of the protest
would be unable to keep their promise not to block access to the major
> Militants are calling for changes to be made to the government
belt-tightening measures approved by the Senate early Monday, for more
benefits for the unemployed, and for the release of "social prisoners" --
more than 200 people arrested in earlier road block protests.
> De la Rua's deficit-busting plan, which contains public spending cuts of
some 1.5 billion dollars, is aimed at balancing Argentina's budget and
allowing the country to continue payments on its debt.
> A drastic 13-percent pay cut in federal salaries and retirement benefits
seeks to bring the nation to so-called "zero deficit."
> State employees announced they would join protests during the course of
the day.
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