>From: Ravi Malhotra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,        Chris Faatz 
>Subject: [Fwd: Urgent !]
>Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2001 02:49:50 -0400
>Please distribute as widely as possible.
>In Solidarity,

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Please forward this email far and wide.

In solidarity,

Paul Lykotrafitis,
Shop steward
CUPE local 3261
To: Friends of CUPE Local 3261, Workers at the University of Toronto and
University of Toronto Press

Dear Supporter,

  Less than a year ago workers at the UofT Bookstore struck for three
months – against an employer who, at one point, was offering only a wage
decrease to the absolute legal minimum for new employees. When the
workers voted to return to work they did so with many things: a new
sense of dignity and worth, better wages and job security, and an
overwhelming amount of support from the university community and beyond.

This crucial support made it clear to the U of T Press management that
the UofT community was not going to sit by idly while they ran roughshod
over the rights of their workers.

Their obvious contempt for their employees inspired action. Hundreds of
professors informed the Press that they would send their students
elsewhere for their textbooks. Other campus workers gave money and
walked picket lines. The University’s honorary doctorates – noted
scholar Noam Chomsky, and former Canadian Labour Congress President Bob
White – told the UofT in their convocation addresses that management was
being unfair. Because of this support bookstore workers were able to
return to their jobs with a fair negotiated settlement.

  We are asking for your support again. The U of T Press which owns and
operates a printing plant, bookstores and several other campus
operations and is a wholly owned ancillary corporation of the UofT. The
Press is using the negotiations with the full time shippers and
receivers, members of local 3261, to attack the rights under their
collective agreement and deny workers a fair wage increase. Since
incorporation in 1992 the workers at the Press, once part of  the U of T
3261 service worker agreement, have had their wages and working
conditions eroded. While their wages have lagged behind inflation their
workload has grown. This has to stop.

Ten years ago three times as many workers received packed and shipped
for a much smaller U of T Press. The Press has expanded operations,
adding new stores and new operations, and added work for their staff.
Yet throughout this expansion the workforce has been reduced to a
quarter of its former size. Many long-time employees walked away in
frustration. Others are staying but they demand dignity and fairness.

  This week a no-Board report from the Ministry of Labour will be
released starting the clock ticking toward a strike deadline of July 25.
After two months of negotiations the Press has proposed a contract that
would sabotage the grievance procedure, weaken the union, and deny
seniority rights to elected union officials. At a union meeting workers
voted unanimously to give their bargaining team a strike mandate. The
Press is still refusing to deal with the issues. Is the U of T Press is
hoping to prolong negotiations past the busy summer period until the
autumn when deliveries are slow and they can wait out a strike?  Press
employees refuse to let this happen.

  The Press cried poor last summer. In November it was revealed that the
U of T Press, a supposedly not-for-profit corporation, had a $1.2
million surplus. They are crying poor again.

  On July 25, 2001 workers at U of T Press will be in a legal strike
position. We must send a strong message to the U of T Administration
asking them to monitor in an ethical fashion the operations of their
subsidiary. Your support for the part-timers last year was instrumental
in the achievement of a first contract. We hope that support like yours
will avoid another strike of the U of T Press workers. We do not want to go
on strike. We want to negotiate a fair contract for our members.

With your continued support we hope to achieve this. Please contact:

Dr. Robert Birgeneau
President, University of Toronto
FAX: (416) 971-1360

George Meadows
President, University of Toronto Press
FAX: (416) 978-4738

CC letters to:

Mehdi Kouhestaninejad
President, CUPE 3261

Mehdi Kouhestaninejad
CUPE Local 3261
1 Spadina Crescent Room 202
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2J5
Phone: (416) 946-7620Fax: (416) 946-7621

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