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International Conference The work of Karl Marx and challenges for the XXI Century - Second Call for Papers

The Institute of Philosophy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba is organizing the International Conference on “The work of Karl Marx and challenges for the XXI Century “ which will take place in Havana, Cuba, from May 5 to May 8, 2003 at the Conference Rooms of the Cuban Workers’ Labour Union (Central de Trabajadores de Cuba).

This important event has the auspices of:

Cuban Association to the United Nations
The National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba, ANEC
The Cuban Workers Labour Union/Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Ministry of Economy and Planning The Juan F. Noyal Centre for Economic Studies and Planning
The Council for Social Sciences of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment CITMA
The Directorate for Marxism and Leninism Ministry of Higher Education
Faculty of Philosophy and History University of Havana
Higher Institute of Art ISA of the Ministry of Culture
Cuban Society for Philosophic Enquiry
Economic Society of Friends of the Country
Popular University of the Mothers of the Plaza of May, Argentina

Objectives of the Event:

Next year will mark 120 years since Karl Marx's death. Marx's heritage, as Frederick Engels pointed out, has been an invaluable 'guide to action' for all those who share his goal of a society permitting the full development of human potential, a society that goes beyond capitalism. As we know, though, Marx's work was always rooted in the real movements of society. To be consistent with that work and to be faithful to its goals, we need to understand the experiences of those 120 years both in relation to changes in capitalism and also in the attempts to create a humane alternative to capitalism, a socialist society
We think this is an important time to look at Marx's ideas and to see how they can help us not only to understand the world but also to change it. We see the need to develop progressive thought for the beginning of the XXI century and the necessary link to revolutionary practice without which there can be no change. In this way, we want to honour Marx, who dedicated his life (both in his theory and also his practice) to the development of a society of free and fully developed men and women, a socialist society.
Since socialism for Cuba has always been internationalist and has always been marked by international solidarity, we invite scholars and activists from around the world who share Marx's commitment to join us at this conference
We call for proposals around two main themes:

-The limits and contradictions within contemporary capitalism and the new forms of revolutionary struggle.
-The limits and contradictions within socialist experience at the end of the 20th Century: elements of improvements within the emmancipatory paradigm.

From these two main themes we hope that participants will develop their presentations along the following sub-themes:
· Communist Revolution and Human Emancipation: the subject of revolution in the new world order

· Workers and the trade union movement in the contemporary world
· State and Economy in the current world
· Under-development and Capitalism
· Globalization and sustainable human development
· Latin America: the FTAA and the USA
· Property and social development


Those wishing to participate in the conference should contact the Co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee, Dr. Jesus Pastor Garcia Brigos (see below paper submission guidelines prior to the 31st of January 2003.

Our fee schedule is as follows: professional category US$80.00, companions of professionals US$60.00 and students US$50.00.

The goal of the organizers during the Dias of the conference is to achieve the closest and richest dialogue and discussions possible, and that resulting from these interchanges we can continue strengthening the necessary formative praxis for human progress.

Paper submission guidelines:
· : Papers should be sent to the Co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee: Dr. Jesus Pastor Garcia Brigos by e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 3.5 disk

· An abstract of the paper, maximum one page in length
· Papers may be submitted in English or Spanish
· Paper length maximum 30 pages (Windows 95 or later versions, New Times Roman font 12. double spaced, paper size 8-1/2 x 11, side margins 2 centimetres, top and bottom margins 4 centimetres

Authors of papers that are selected for presentation will be notified by March 31st 2003.

It is expected that all papers that are presented will be circulated in advance via electronic mail among all participants to facilitate their study and thus have a better preparation prior to their debate and presentation.

All papers will be published in the volumes, dedicated to this conference, in the Cuban Social Sciences Magazine and on the web site of the Institute of Philosophy (web page Cuba Siglo XXI). All authors are requested to give us their explicit waiver of publication rights if they do not wish for their papers to be published in our magazine.

We will also publish all the abstracts of papers submitted to the Conference. Those papers that are not selected for presentation will also be published in other editions of the Cuban Social Sciences Magazine as well as the above-mentioned electronic media.

The memoirs of the event, which will include some transcripts, and other materials of the conference, including all papers that were presented will be published in a CD-rom. We also require publication rights permission for this.

At the time of posting of this notice we already have the confirmation of many internationally recognized scholars from all continents and thus we are driven in our efforts to making this conference as open as possible and maintaining our set objectives.

Other Conference related activities

With a view to maintaining communications post the conference, the Organizing Committee will be presenting a proposal to establish an on-going Permanent International Workshop Marx and the challenges of the Century XXI which would publish, organize events and in general maintain a continued interchange between participants to the conference and new colleagues that may wish to join us.

Those who wish to participate in the activities that will be organized for the International Workers Day on May 1st, and others that will be co-ordinated by the Cuban Workers Labour Union together with the Organizing Committee during the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of May should advise the Co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee prior to the 31st of January 2003. The program for the activities for those days will be published shortly and will include academic discussion and interchanges with Cuban specialists and well as activities with the Cuban labour movement among others.

We will be offering courses and events pre and post the conference as well as co-lateral activities that will be published in other notices.

All work will be done in commission-oriented sessions in panels grouped by themes.

There will also be optional evening sessions at conference rooms nearby the hotels that have been selected for the conference. These sessions will be dedicated to interchanges on themes that affect current day Cuba, among other topics of relevance. Work sessions will be in English and in Spanish.


Presenters will be allotted a 15-minute presentation period for their papers, and these will be the basis for discussions in working commissions.

The Conference Schedule is as follows:

8:00- 9:00 Registration of foreign participants
Cuban participants will register at the Instituto de Filosophia on April 28th to 30th.

9:30 11:30 Plenary Session
Opening Speech
Presentation of Scheduled Work Program among others a proposal for the continuation of the work commenced at this Conference on the basis of a Permanent International Workshop “Marx and the Challenges of the Century XXI”.

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:30 Work in Commissions
13:30- 14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Work in Commissions
16:00 Welcome cocktail.

Tour through Havana
Tuesday May 6
Wed. May 7

9:00-11:00 Work in oriented commissions

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-13:30 Work in oriented commissions

13:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Work in oriented commissions

21:00-23:00 Optional theme sessions

Thurs. May 8

9:00 11:00 Work in oriented commissions

11:00- 11:30 Coffee break

11:30- 13:30 Plenary session
Reading and debate on the basis of the discussions of summary minutes of the work in the commissions
Discussion of the platform documents and adoption of the agreements

13:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Plenary session
Reading and debate on the basis of the discussions of summary minutes of the work of the commissions
Discussion of the platform documents and adoption of the agreements

17:00 Closing

20:00 Farewell cocktail



Habana Libre
(5 star)

(4 star)

(3 star)
Room Rate
Double Occupancy

US$ 338.00

US$ 207.00

US$ 192.00
Room Rate
Single Occupancy

US$ 508.00

US$ 277.00

US$ 238.00

All prices include:
Stay for 5 nights
Transfers in/out
Transfers to and from activities
City Tour
Farewell cocktail
Guide services. Personalized attention

Note rates do not include any other service not mentioned

All co-ordination and information or any other item of interest will be covered and through Rumbos Cuba, Lic. Maria Elena Dominguez Cabrera: e-mail:

Organizing Commitee

Comité Organizador.

Dra. Romelia Pino Freyre*, Directora del Instituto de Filosofía.

Coordinador del Comité Científico:
Dr. Jesús Pastor García Brigos*

Coordinador del Comité de Logística:
Lic. Alberto Pérez

Miembros del Comité Científico de la Conferencia:

(por orden alfabético del primer apellido)

Professor Robert Albritton*. Department of Political Science, York University, Toronto, Canada
Professor Samir Amín*, Forum du Tiers Monde,
Luciano Alzaga*, Suecia.
Dr. Al Campbell*, Professor of Economics, University of Utah.
Dr. Ken Cole*, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom.
Prof. Renée Marie Croose Parry, Instituto de Filosofía
B.Sc. Kenneth Croose Parry, Instituto de Filosofía.
Dra. Norma Gálvez, Instituto Superior de Arte, Ministerio de Cultura
Dra. Carmen Gómez García, Sociedad Cubana de Investigaciones Filosóficas
Marta Harnecker*, Centro de Investigaciones “Memoria Popular Latinoamericana” (MEPLA)
Profesor Remy Herrera*, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique y Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Francia.
Prof. Emeritus Georges Labica*, Director Cientifico Honorario C.N.R.S., Paris.
Prof. Emeritus Michael Lebowitz,* Economics Department, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Dr. Miguel Limia David, Consejo de Ciencias Sociales, del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, CITMA
Dr. Darío Machado
Lic. Luis Marcelo Yera
Nchamah Miller*, Investigadora colombiana, York University, Toronto.
Lic. Humberto Miranda, Grupo GALFISA, Instituto de Filosofía, CITMA
Dr. Ernesto Molina*, Asociación de Economistas y Contadores de Cuba
Dra. Isabel Monal,, Cátedra de Estudios Marxistas “Julio Antonio Mella”-
Lic. Haydee Montes Cabrera, Central de Trabajadores de Cuba ( CTC)
Dra. Concepción Nieves Ayús, Grupo Cuba: teoría y sociedad, Instituto de Filosofía, CITMA
Dr. Hugo Pons, Centro de Estudios de Economía y Planificación, Ministerio de Economía y Planificación
Dr. Rigoberto Pupo, Facultad de Filosofía, Sociología e Historia, Universidad de la Habana
Isabel Rauber, Pasado y Presente XXI.
Dra. Daysy Rivero Alvisa, Presidenta Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País.
Lic. Boris Luis Rodríguez, Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas
Dr. Ramón Sánchez Noda, Dirección de Marxismo- Leninismo, Ministerio de Educación Superior, MES.
Dr. Luis Suarez, Dirección de Marxismo-Leninismo, MES.
Dr. Jorge Luis Santana, Grupo Cuba: teoría y sociedad, Instituto de Filosofía, CITMA
Lic. Lynette Thoman.*, University of York, Canada
Dr. Vicente Zito Lema*, Director Académico, Universidad Popular Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, Argentina.

*International Advisory Committee

Teléfonos: Instituto de Filosofía 8321887; 8320301; 8329768 Fax: 8321887
Correo electrónico del Instituto de Filosofía: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Correos del Comité Organizador Científico:
Dr. Jesús Pastor García Brigos, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nchamah Miller , [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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