(William F. Browder is Earl Browder's grandson. His Hermitage Capital
Management is described in the article as "the largest foreign
investment fund in Russia." Earl Browder was the leader of the CPUSA
during WWII. Shortly after the Cold War began, Stalin dumped him because
he was seen as too conciliatory to the West.)

Investors Rally Around Putin, Discounting Alarm of Critics

By Susan B. Glasser
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, February 26, 2004; Page A14

MOSCOW -- To his fierce and increasingly worried critics, President
Vladimir Putin is a grave threat to post-Soviet democracy, a would-be
authoritarian intent on building "capitalism with a Stalinist face," as
one reformist leader put it.

But investor William F. Browder sees it differently. Never mind the
arguments about a creeping coup by Putin's KGB colleagues, the war in
Chechnya, the state takeover of television or even the jailing of
Russia's richest man. To Browder, Putin is a true reformer, "the one
ally" of Western capitalists who have come to Russia to create a new
market economy but have found themselves adrift "in a sea of corrupt

"What's the worst-case scenario?" asked Browder, who has bet $1.3
billion in the investment fund he runs on the success of the Putin
presidency. "That I misjudged and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
But I just don't think the objective here is Stalinism."

full: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A7272-2004Feb25.html


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