The best thing about the October 25 rally and march in D.C. to Bring
the Troops Home Now and End the Occupation of Iraq was a large and
racially diverse turnout of veterans and military families whose
loved ones are deployed in Iraq.  Signs featuring enlarged
photographs of uniformed soldiers and demanding their immediate
return, held up by their parents, spouses, and children, were common
sights.  Both national organizations such as Veterans for Peace
<> and Military Families Speak Out
<> and local organizations of veterans and
military families mobilized their new and old members well.  The
October 25 mobilization and media coverage of it, in turn, will help
them recruit more members.

Voices of veterans and military families help amplify the dissent
within the rank and file soldiers deployed in Iraq that has been
widely publicized even in the corporate media (cf.
-- the dissent fueled by Iraqis' own resistance to the occupation
(ranging from non-cooperation, sabotage, demonstrations, to armed
struggle) which has made clear to thinking servicemen and -women that
what they are asked to defend is in the interest of neither the Iraqi
people nor themselves (cf.
<>).  The
war for an empire becomes the empire's own undoing when the empire
loses the support of its own soldiers (cf. Richard R. Moser, _The New
Winter Soldiers: GI and Veteran Dissent during the Vietnam Era_
(1996); Joel Geier, "Vietnam: The Soldier's Revolt" (August-September
2000), <>).

Protesters' own estimates of the size of the D.C. demonstration
ranged from 50,000 to 100,000 -- the turnout was smaller than the
largest US demonstrations during the period of peak buildup of
opposition before the invasion of Iraq, but much larger than the
first national mobilizations against the bombings of Afghanistan.
Coming at the time when support for the Bush administration --
including its policy on Iraq -- is plummeting, the protest served its
purpose of raising the visibility of growing organized oppositions to
the occupation of Iraq (as well as other aspects of Bush's foreign
and domestic policies), at the same time as reinvigorating core
organizers and activists who have never stopped organizing against

In Columbus, OH, weekly protests against the occupation of Iraq
continue at 15th Avenue and High Street: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on Fridays
and 5 PM - 6 PM on Sundays.

***** In D.C., a Diverse Mix Rouses War Protest

By Manny Fernandez
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 26, 2003; Page A08

Tens of thousands of antiwar demonstrators marched in Washington
yesterday to call for an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq, turning
out in smaller numbers than for prewar protests but making plain
their opposition during a noisy yet peaceful procession.

From a stage on the Mall and along a route that ringed the Washington
Monument, the White House and the Justice Department, protesters
lodged an array of grievances against the Bush administration's
domestic and foreign policies, including the financial and human
costs of the occupation and the effect of the Patriot Act on civil
liberties. Organizers of the two coalitions that sponsored the
demonstration, International ANSWER and United for Peace and Justice,
said the morning rally at the Washington Monument and a march through
downtown that grew throughout the afternoon signaled a revival of the
antiwar movement, which had not staged a major street demonstration
in Washington since the fall of Baghdad in April.

"The movement has gotten a very big gust of wind in its sails at the
very moment that the Bush administration is slipping in the polls,"
said Brian Becker, an organizer with ANSWER, which stands for Act Now
to Stop War and End Racism.

Yesterday's march coincided with protests in more than two dozen
cities across the United States and around the world, including San
Francisco, Anchorage and Paris. D.C. police and U.S. Park Police were
out in force in vehicles, on motorcycles and bicycles and on
horseback in the District. D.C. Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey and a
Park Police spokesman said no arrests had been made as of late

The demonstrators represented a diverse mix of dissent, from suburban
high school students to gray-haired retirees, from fathers pushing
their children in strollers to Muslim American college students
shouting through bullhorns. There were people from D.C. Poets Against
the War, the Louisville Peace Action Community, Northern Virginians
for Peace and Central Ohioans for Peace, among many others. Banners
in Spanish, Korean, Urdu, Hebrew, Arabic and Tagalog decried the war.
Smaller marches began at various locations in the city and led to the
main rally, including those organized by Muslim American and by
African American activists.

Demonstrators criticized the administration's prewar assertions about
Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and ties to al Qaeda and
condemned the domestic war on terrorism as an attack on civil
liberties, particularly the Patriot Act, the anti-terrorism
legislation the president signed into law two years ago today. They
also denounced the administration's request for $87 billion for
reconstruction and military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan while
money for schools and social services at home dwindles. . . .

The crowd did not appear to match International ANSWER's Jan. 18
demonstration, the largest antiwar rally in Washington since the
Vietnam War. That protest, was put at 100,000 by police and 500,000
by organizers. Nonetheless, Becker and other organizers said
yesterday's turnout exceeded their expectations, and they estimated
the attendance at 100,000, with crowds on the march route spilling
over what they described as 23 Washington blocks. Ramsey estimated
that the event drew 40,000 to 50,000 people.

Organizers said a large number of veterans and military families with
loved ones in Iraq participated. Around her neck, Nanci Mansfield of
Burnsville, N.C., wore a heart-shaped sign with a picture of her son
in military uniform and the words: "Love my soldier. Hate this war."
Some of the biggest applause at the rally, which filled a corner of
the monument grounds at 17th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, came
when Fernando Suarez del Solar of Escondido, Calif., whose Marine son
was killed March 27 in Iraq, addressed the crowd. "We need to make
Mr. Bush understand: He's not the owner of the lives of our
children," he said.

Bill Perry, 56, a construction worker from Levittown, Pa., who served
in Vietnam, stood at the edge of the monument grounds in the morning,
holding a homemade sign demanding that the United States get out of
Iraq and the United Nations get in. "About six blocks up the street,
there's a beautiful memorial for 58,000 of our brothers and sisters
who died in Vietnam," said Perry, wearing a yellow sweat shirt
emblazoned with an "Airborne" eagle insignia. "Already, we've lost
about 350 of our own brothers and sisters in this war. One can't help
but wonder how big the memorial for this war is going to have to be."

The demonstration, organizers said, signified a new phase in the life
of the antiwar movement. It illustrated new cooperation among
often-divergent factions, as for the first time, two of the biggest
coalitions put their organizational muscle behind one event, sharing
expenses and logistical duties. But it also seemed to reveal the
movement's erratic momentum, peaking in number and visibility at the
start of the year with prewar demonstrations in Washington, New York
and around the world, going without large-scale street protests since
April and now turning out thousands to rally.

Organizers have said that mobilizing large numbers during a
protracted occupation as opposed to a dramatic, imminent threat of
war has been a challenge and that street demonstrations are just one
way the movement manifests itself. "No one demonstration changes U.S.
policy," said Leslie Cagan, national coordinator of United for Peace
and Justice. "But it's part of a process, and a demonstration like
today's helps to get people recommitted.". . .

About 4 p.m., as the march ended and the crowd began to disperse,
Mardi Crawford of Albany, N.Y., said that the day had been a success.
"I think it's wonderful people are out in the streets saying the same
thing a lot of people are saying inside their homes," she said.
Crawford protested here in January and March. She said she would keep
returning to Washington to protest, as long as she felt a need.

Staff writers Spencer S. Hsu, Sylvia Moreno and Monte Reel
contributed to this report.

[The full text is available at


* Bring Them Home Now! <>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
<>, & <>
* Student International Forum: <>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <>
* Al-Awda-Ohio: <>
* Solidarity: <>

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