Imperial history repeats itself

Once again, Indians are being asked to fight Iraqis for empire's sake

Randeep Ramesh
Thursday July 3, 2003
The Guardian

The blood has barely dried on the British empire than it has already begun
to seep over its American successor. The US occupation of Iraq is proving
a messier task than Washington had hoped or planned for. On average, US
troops have been dying at a rate of one a day since George Bush proclaimed
"mission accomplished". Bodybags are tangible proof that the war has not
finished: it has only just started.

The six British military policemen shot dead at Majar al-Kabir last week,
and the grenades pounding the US military in Fallujah, signal a deep
unease that much of the killing is organised, and coalition forces are too
thinly spread to stop it. This saps the imperial strength of America and
highlights its greatest weakness: despite overwhelming military might, US
troops in Iraq - like the British empire's before them - are vulnerable in
a war fought among the shadows of a people chafing under foreign rule.

The answer for Washington in the first years of the 21st century is the
same as London's at the beginning of the 20th: call for reinforcements
from those content to fulfil the role of loyal provider of brave soldiers
for a war not of their making. Seventy countries have been asked to supply
troops - from as far afield as Mongolia, whose forces were last seen in
the Middle East more than seven centuries ago when they sacked Baghdad. So
far, President Bush's request has been answered by 5,000 troops, mostly
from new Europe and the new world.

This is not enough. What Washington needs is a "reserve of military
strength [capable of] ... supplying an army always in a high state of
efficiency and capable of being hurled at a moment's notice upon any
point". These words are not those of an American neo-conservative in 2003,
but were articulated by the British viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, in
1909. A century later, the subcontinent's role as a source of auxiliary
cohorts for the expansion of empire is being reprised by President Bush.
New Delhi and Islamabad are considering American requests for a total of
30,000 soldiers to be sent to Iraq.

India and Pakistan, historic rivals who have fought three wars in 50
years, would not meet in Iraq. Dangled in front of both, instead, is the
command of sizeable parts of Iraq, and a warming of the Bush
administration's new strategic relationship with the subcontinent. However
tempting the offer of aid, arms and a new engagement with Washington may
be to both nations, both are acutely aware of the lessons of imperial

During the days of the British Raj, Indian soldiers were used to put down
nationalist rebellions, at home and abroad. Blood was spilt all across the
empire - much of it in Iraq.

During the first world war, what was then the Ottoman province of
Mesopotamia became a battleground between Turkish and British empires. The
low point of Britain's Middle East campaign came when 12,000 soldiers -
more than half composed of Indian divisions - surrendered the garrison to
Turkish forces in May 1916 after a siege which lasted 147 days. Of the
troops who left Kut with their captors, more than 4,000 died either on
their way to captivity or in prisoner-of-war camps. In four years of
fighting, 31,000 British and Indian lives were lost, pockmarking the
country with graves and pyres.

The birth of what would become modern-day Iraq was a painful one.
Mesopotamia was Britain's prize after the first world war - and like
today, its peoples struggled against the occupying forces. Indian troops
were used to suppress the country's nationalist uprising in the summer of
1920. Like today's American forces, the 60,000 British and Indian troops
securing Mesopotamia were never engaged in battle, facing instead
hit-and-run raids from the desert. More than 1,000 Indian soldiers and
8,000 Arab fighters were either killed or captured in a few weeks. Despite
Britain's military prowess, Iraq slowly slipped from its grasp.

But Washington appears indifferent to the lessons of history. The subtle
shift from hegemony to empire could again see troops from the subcontinent
becoming the tools of a great power's foreign policy. America refuses to
believe in the empirical evidence of its own empire. Its people are
suspicious of foreign entanglements - witness the declining support for
the Iraqi occupation. Sizeable numbers of Pakistani and Indian troops
would enable thousands of American soldiers to return home.

Left to face the growing anger engendered by the chaos that has replaced
the power vacuum brought about by the fall of Saddam, troops from India
and Pakistan - countries that opposed the war - will be left to secure the
peace in the face of guerrilla attacks and organised resistance. If it
looks, sounds and feels like empire redux, that is because it is.

· Randeep Ramesh edited The War We Could Not Stop: The Real Story of the
Battle for Iraq, published by Guardian Books


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