Oil prices surge after Iraq halts crude exports, Venezuelan
strife compounds fears
Mon Apr 8, 5:04 PM ET
By BRUCE STANLEY, AP Business Writer

LONDON - Oil prices surged Monday in a fresh wave of anxiety
after Iraq cut off crude exports to demonstrate support for the
Palestinians in their struggle with Israel.

At the same time, labor strife in Venezuela squeezed that
country's oil shipments to a trickle. The combined effect of the
supply interruptions added to existing concerns stoked by
tensions in the Middle East, home to two-thirds of the world's
proven oil reserves.

Crude futures prices spiked as much as dlrs 1.44 a barrel, or 6
percent, in London, before setting to close at dlrs 27.02, up
dlrs 1.03 from Friday's close. In New York, May sweet crude rose
to dlrs 27.23 a barrel before falling back to dlrs 26.55 a
barrel, up 34 cents from Friday.

Some energy analysts played down the risk that major, long-term
supply disruptions might result. Analysts suggested other members
of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries, which pumps
a third of all crude, would intervene to offset a major shortfall
in supplies.

Leaders of the oil producers' group expressed alarm at the latest

"After the announcement of Iraq to suspend exports and the effect
of Venezuela's exports, we could go directly to an oil crisis,"
OPEC (news - web sites) Secretary-general Ali Rodriguez told
Venezuela's Radio Caracas Radio in an interview from Qatar.

Iraq and Venezuela jointly export about 4.5 million barrels a
day, or about 6 percent of global supplies.

President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) announced that Iraq
would suspend oil exports starting Monday for 30 days or until
Israel withdraws from Palestinian territories. His unilateral
cutoff could put more pressure on other Arab leaders to move
against Israel in retaliation for its offensive.

Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday urged
Islamic countries to stop shipping oil for one month to countries
with close relations with Israel. Libya announced Monday that it
supported the call. Both nations also are members of OPEC.

Although OPEC hadn't received formal confirmation from Iraq about
its embargo, U.N. oil monitors noted that the transfer of oil
from Iraq to the Ceyhan loading terminal in Turkey ceased at
midmorning Monday, U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard said in New York.

At Iraq's other loading terminal, Mina al-Bakr in the Gulf, one
vessel completed loading on Monday and two other vessels were
waiting to be loaded. It wasn't clear if they would take on their
oil cargo, Eckhard said.

Iraq, which has a daily production capacity of 2.3 million
barrels, exports about 1.8 million barrels a day under the close
supervision of the United Nations (news - web sites). Iraq also
is believed to export an estimated 250,000 barrels a day
illegally, via pipeline to Syria and by truck to Turkey.

Iraq's main customers are refiners and oil trading firms in the
United States and Europe.

Some analysts expect OPEC's biggest producer, Saudi Arabia, and
other moderate members of the group to quietly raise output to
make up for an Iraqi shortfall.

OPEC officials have argued that prices must not rise so high as
to choke off an economic recovery.

"That volume of crude can be made up overnight," said Michael
Rothman, senior energy analyst at Merrill Lynch in New York.

An OPEC source, speaking on condition of anonymity from OPEC
headquarters in Vienna, Austria, said oil ministers were
conferring about how to respond, the source said.

"It's in OPEC's interest now to make sure the froth in the oil
market is limited," Rothman said.

Crude prices have risen in recent weeks to levels not seen since
September, and this provides an additional incentive for other
countries, including independent producers such as Russia and
Norway, to boost production.

In spite of their earlier expressions of support for an oil
boycott, Iran and Libya were unlikely to join with Iraq, argued
Jan Stuart, head of research for global energy futures at ABN
Amro in New York.

Iran's economy is too weak to go for long without precious oil
revenues, and Libya is worried about jeopardizing its slowly
warming ties with the United States, Israel's main backer, Stuart

"This isn't a shock price, but it is the Iraqis being mischievous
and trying to wage a little economic warfare against the West,"
Gignoux said.

Politics and labor problems in Venezuela, a top U.S. oil
supplier, compounded the impact of Iraq's action. Venezuelan
exports almost dried up Monday due to an escalating dispute at
the national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela, between
dissident managers and new executives appointed by populist
President Hugo Chavez.

Refining volumes at Venezuela's 950,000-barrels per day Paraguana
complex dropped by half, and other refineries also experienced
lower production levels. Labor strife is likely to intensify
Tuesday, when Venezuela's largest labor and business associations
stage a 24-hour general strike in support of the Petroleos de
Venezuela dissidents.

Mexico's Energy Ministry declined to comment Monday on Iraq's
decision to suspend crude oil exports for a month.

Mexico, one of the top four suppliers of crude oil to the United
States, agreed in January to cut its crude exports by 100,000
barrels a day as part of an effort by the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries and other non-OPEC producers to
keep prices up amid a drop in global demand.

State oil monopoly Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, exported 1.58
million barrels a day in the first two months of this year, of
which 1.45 million barrels daily went to customers in the
Americas, mostly the United States.

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