Look at this: this bloody Le Pen wants to keep Turkey out of the
EU. Now I am getting angry, although I am no supporter of Turkey
joining EU, at least, under the current conditions.



Le Pen Speaks of 'Transit Camps,' Protests Loom
Fri Apr 26,11:53 AM ET
By Brian Love

PARIS (Reuters) - Unshaken by the prospect of more massive street
protests, French extreme right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen said
Friday that he would round up illegal immigrants in "transit
camps" and expel them if elected president.

Le Pen also launched more blistering attacks on the European
Union (news - web sites), told British Prime Minister Tony Blair
(news - web sites) to stay out of France's affairs and promised
to keep Turkey out of the EU if he beats conservative President
Jacques Chirac on May 5.

The day after 350,000 mainly young people marched in cities
nationwide, Le Pen warned the police it was their job to control
further mass demonstrations Saturday and ensure there was no
trouble when opponents and supporters march in Paris on May 1.

Using words that evoked frightening memories for his critics, the
man who once called the Nazi gas chambers a detail of history
said he saw nothing wrong with transit camps.

"It's where we would put the illegal immigrants who try to cross
the borders before sending them back to where they came from,"
the former paratrooper, 73, told a news conference.

"They exist in the United States, which is hardly held up as a
clear example of totalitarianism."

France already has so-called "holding centers" where immigrants
without proper papers are held pending a review of their cases,
but anti-racist campaigners said Le Pen's use of the word "camp"
smacked of Nazism.

"It is totally obnoxious," Mouloud Aounit, head of the
anti-racist group MRAP, told Reuters. "It shows the true face of
his National Front...He didn't use the word 'camp' by chance. He
knows it conjures up what the Nazis did to the Jews."


Raising the tempo at the end of a tumultuous week that followed
his shock qualification Sunday for the presidential runoff vote
against Chirac, Le Pen renewed his vow to restore the French
currency and put a stop to EU integration.

In a policy statement handed to journalists, he also vowed to
abolish the Schengen pact on free movement of people across
national borders inside the 15-nation EU, to halt plans to
enlarge the bloc and make sure Turkey, whose population is
overwhelmingly Muslin, could never join.

As Le Pen spoke, 80 organizations announced marches for Saturday,
including rights groups, politicians and many of the student
bodies that have brought more than 500,000 people onto the
streets in a wave of anti-Le Pen protests since Sunday.

Le Pen accused Chirac of orchestrating the protests, which are
expected to reach a climax on May 1 with trade union organizers
of traditional Labor Day rallies hoping they will mushroom into a
huge show of opposition to the extreme right.

Le Pen has called a rally of his own supporters in Paris for the
same day, raising fears that there could be violent clashes.

"If there are people who...attack our meetings, that will be the
responsibility of the police," Le Pen said.

"I leave it to the police and the Interior Ministry...to take all
steps needed to make sure our traditional (May 1) rally goes
peacefully and in the most democratic way, even if it is, as I
expect and hope, massive."

Le Pen polled nearly 17 percent of votes last Sunday and is
widely expected to lose on May 5, with an avalanche of support
swinging behind Chirac from mainstream political parties,
activist groups and community organizations.

Le Pen said he would see anything less than 30 percent of the
vote as a failure, without excluding that he could win.

Police Friday said an explosion overnight had damaged the
beachfront home of a local mayor of Chirac's Gaullist Rally for
the Republic (RPR) party in the town of La Ciotat, near the port
city of Marseille in southern France.

The mayor, Patrick Bore, was out at the time and there was no
immediate indication that the blast was tied to the election.
Police said witnesses saw four people running from the scene.

The head of the education department in the western town of
Poitiers urged pupils to halt demonstrations, saying that he
feared the worst if other activists joined what had so far been a
relatively incident-free wave of protests there.


Le Pen has pledged to hold referendums to take France out of the
European Union, "stop and reverse" immigration and reserve
welfare benefits for the French. His policies have drawn
condemnation across Europe since he qualified for the runoff.

In a barb at Blair, who has called him "repellent," Le Pen said
the British leader did not want illegal immigrants to enter
Britain any more than he (Le Pen) wanted them to enter France.

"I am no more of a racist than Tony Blair, who doesn't want
immigrants showing up at Sangatte," he said in a reference to a
Red Cross camp on the northern French coast from where asylum
seekers try to sneak into Britain through the Channel Tunnel.

Asked how he would resolve the Sangatte issue, long an irritant
in Franco-British relations, Le Pen said he would charter "a
special train" to send the people there to Britain.

Blair's official spokesman in London told Reuters: "Le Pen's
policies are repellent as the prime minister has said. His racist
record speaks for itself."

Le Pen also again seized on sleaze that has swirled around
Chirac, who has denied corruption allegations dating from his
long reign as Paris mayor until 1995.

"The battle on May 5 is between the enforcer of justice and a man
who should face justice," Le Pen said.

"I think what Jacques Chirac wants is another five years of
impunity in the hope that a nice little amnesty will have been
declared by the end of it," he said.

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