New Top General Tells Legislators U.S. Will Probably Need a Larger Army

New York Times

WASHINGTON, July 29 — The former Special Operations commander called
from retirement to be Army chief of staff said today that the Army is
likely to need more troops to meet its worldwide commitments.

Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, appearing at his confirmation hearing before
the Senate Armed Services Committee today, said that he has not yet
formally reached conclusions on a number of critical questions facing
the Army, among them required numbers of personnel and the fate of some
weapons systems.

"But I'm going to take a little risk here and I'm going to tell you
that, you know, intuitively I think we need more people," General
Schoomaker said with far more candor than usually is on display at
confirmation hearings. "I mean, it's that simple."

But he said that if he is confirmed by the full Senate as the Army's
senior general, he will first review how soldiers and assignments are
divided between the active-duty force and the reserves before making any
recommendations about increasing the size of the nation's largest armed

General Schoomaker, who retired from the Army in 2000, was asked several
times about reports that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld had a
tense working relationship with Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, the previous Army

Indeed, the two clashed over Mr. Rumsfeld's decision to cancel a new
artillery piece, called Crusader, and over General Shinseki's estimate
of the number of ground troops that might be required to stabilize Iraq.

"Since the Secretary of Defense is the one that asked me to do this,
that was one of the first things we discussed," General Schoomaker said.
"And I'm convinced, through our discussions and our subsequent dealings,
that we have an open and candid dialogue and that we have come to an
arrangement where we can agree to disagree and at the same time
understand what the chain of command is."

General Schoomaker's use of the phrase, "chain of command," was a
reference to Constitutional provisions for civilian control of the

Mr. Rumsfeld has repeatedly stated that he wants the entire military,
and especially the Army, to be speedier and deadlier, the hallmark of
the Special Operations forces. It was General Schoomaker's credentials
in that area, especially his time as chief of the United States Special
Operations Command from 1997 to 2000, that brought him to Mr. Rumsfeld's

General Schoomaker gained insight into the terrorist threat long before
the Sept. 11 attacks, serving on the team that investigated the bombing
of the Marine barracks in Beirut. He also has served with conventional
forces, including infantry and armored cavalry units, before moving to
Special Operations.

As Army chief of staff, General Schoomaker said, his job would be "to
think worst-case" about the length of deployments to Iraq.

"I have to think about how we plan and think through sustaining a
long-term commitment there," he added, even if allies contribute troops
to diminish the American commitment. Currently, 16 of the Army's 33
active duty combat brigades are committed to Iraq.

The general also said he plans to look at how the Army organizes its
combat forces to see if greater efficiencies can be found in moving from
command by large division headquarters to planning based around smaller
military units.

Also appearing for his confirmation hearing today was Lt. Gen. Bryan D.
Brown of the Army, nominated to be the next chief of the Special
Operations Command, which has been ordered by Mr. Rumsfeld to take a
more active role against terrorism.

General Brown, who currently serves as deputy at the command, said that
those forces are to grow by 5,100 people by 2009, above the current
47,000-strong Special Operations force drawn from the Air Force, Army
and Navy.

Special Operations can manage its current load, he said, noting that
civil affairs troops and Army Special Forces are stretched the most.

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