> Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 20:10:09 -0500
> Subject: MAI Targets Women's Jobs -- CUPE
>   MARCH 6, 1998
>   MAI Targets Women's Jobs and The Services They Depend On
>   OTTAWA, ONTARIO--In a statement released for International Women's
>   Day, the head of Canada's largest union condemned the Multilateral
>   Agreement on Investment (MAI) as an attack on women and the public
>   sector.
>   "First there was the "war on the deficit". Now there is the MAI.
>   In both cases, it is women who bear the brunt of the attack," said
>   Judy Darcy, National President of the Canadian Union of Public
>   Employees.
>   "The MAI targets the public sector in a way that NAFTA never did,"
>   said Darcy.  "It will encourage the privatization of existing
>   public services and make it impossible to create new public
>   services. And that will hurt women."
>   Women depend on the public sector for good jobs that pay decent
>   wages and offer good benefits. In the last five years, 120,000
>   jobs have been lost in the public sector.  Last year alone, 12,000
>   hospital jobs were cut.
>   "It is women who have born the cost of these cuts. It's their jobs
>   and the services they use that have been cut. And it's women who
>   are expected to fill in the growing gaps in service, caring for
>   the young and the ill and the frail," said Darcy.
>   "For years, women have been mobilizing in support of a national
>   child care system, a national pharmacare plan and a national
>   program for home care. Each of these desperately needed services
>   would be more difficult to achieve under the MAI," said Darcy.
>   "If the MAI had existed forty years ago, the Saskatchewan
>   government would never have been able to launch medicare," Darcy
>   added.
>   She called on women to make International Women's Day an occasion
>   to redouble their efforts to stop the MAI.
>   "The momentum behind the MAI has begun to falter," said Darcy. "If
>   we work together, we can stop this trade deal in its tracks. And
>   wouldn't that be a sweet victory to celebrate on March 8, 1999?"
>   The Canadian Union of Public Employees represents 460,000 members
>   coast to coast to coast, 60 per cent of whom are women.

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