
Hot on the heels of Norman Tebbit, we can see just how fashionable it is for
the beneficiaries and former apparatchiks of Mrs Thatcher's regime to bemoan
their reversals of fortune when no less than former disc jockey, TV
"personality" and "entrepreneur" Noel Edmonds (!) claims to have an MI5

According to Matthew Norman's diary in the Guardian of 31 May, Edmonds has
been writing in the Daily Mirror on the destruction of the countryside he
loves, attributing most blame to the Ministry of Agriculture for its
sledgehammer response to the foot and mouth epidemic. Having gone so public
with such seditious stuff, Noel admits "I'm taking some very big risks at
the moment. A journalist friend rang the other day and said, 'Just be
careful. You can make some very, very powerful enemies with this sort of
stuff.' I mean, I know I've probably got the phone tapped and an MI5 file on
me now. The fear factor is just so intense I took these threats very

Of course, as with MBAs, the more people who acquire MI5 files as this
season's essential fashion accessory will find they are trading in a
devalued currency. However, that serves the very useful purpose of helping
to discredit the thoroughly serious concerns regarding what MI5 was up to
during the 1970s and 80s as it set to work dismantling the UK labour
movement. It's a sick joke of sorts that parasites like Edmonds and racist
thugs like Tebbit should be squealing about a rogue secret state.

Edmonds began his professional career as a disc jockey for Radio Luxembourg
in 1969, swiftly moving on to wunnerful Radio 1 during the 70s, transferring
over to BBC children's TV and from there in the 80s into light entertainment
(heavy emphasis on the light). His first notable foray was a Saturday
evening series, the "Late, Late Breakfast Show" which had to be cancelled in
1986 after an audience participant in one of the weekly ludicrous stunts
featured on the show was killed. Not for long, however, as Noel was soon
back with his Saturday Road Show, itself soon becoming Noel's House Party,
for many seasons a ratings "banker" for a BBC that was desperate to fight
off the horrendous offerings put out by London Weekend Television on behalf
of the ITV network. All the while Edmonds was building a behind-the-scenes
media career via his Utility group of companies, which did very nicely out
of the internal market carved out of the BBC by former Directors-General
Michael Checkland and John Birt (ex-London Weekend TV and author of the
notorious "mission to explain" style of journalism "pioneered" by Peter Jay
on LWT's "Weekend World", a reliable conduit for Friedmanite/Hayekian
propaganda during the 1970s). An example of the Edmonds business style is
his "acquisition" of the rights to a mildly entertaining show, "Telly
Addicts", originally dreamt up by a BBC production staffer, but effectively
privatised by Edmonds whose entrepreneurialism cut the originator of the
programme out of any income derived from ownership rights.

The decline of Edmonds as a force in "entertainment" is analysed well by
Jack Kibble-White at the first URL below. Kibble-White makes the point that
the death of the audience participant on Edmonds' show was the pretext for
the removal of Alasdair Milne as BBC Director General, who had ruffled many
establishment feathers by overseeing the production of serious stuff such as
the infamous "Real Lives" documentary of 1985, in which Martin McGuinness of
Sinn Fein was profiled so objectively that Thatcher, via her then Home
Secretary Leon Brittan and pliant BBC Governors (including chairman Stuart
Young -- brother of Cabinet Minister Lord David Young, and vice chairman
William Rees-Mogg), sought (successfully) to ban the programme. This led to
a notable one day strike by BBC journalists (joined by their ITN colleagues)
in protest at such heavy-handed government interference in news and current
affairs reporting. Meanwhile Tebbit, in charge of the Media Monitoring Unit
at Conservative Central Office, was exacting BBC output (the corporation was
lambasted at one point as the "Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation") to
intense scrutiny, homing in on every news report for traces of "bias".
Playwrights Alan Bleasdale and Dennis Potter were targeted for their
criticisms of Tory policies implicit and explicit in their works, with
Bleasdale's "Monocled Mutineer" combining with Edmonds' show as the excuse
to dump Milne (see second URL).

Edmonds now, when not working for "charity" and putting his life at risk
unmasking the unspeakable tyranny that is Blair's Britain, is involved in
various media business ventures as well as (what else?) management
consultancy, charging fortunes for delivering such earth-shattering wisdom
to dumb managers as: "To create a successful business you must master the
art of communication".

And that, from the "creator" of Mr Blobby...

Michael K.

Michael Keaney
Mercuria Business School
Martinlaaksontie 36
01620 Vantaa


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